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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

SERVPRO Restoration Services Benefits When Filing Insurance Claims

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

When storm damage and flooding affect your Sioux City area home, it can be difficult to know where to begin with cleanup efforts. Filing an insurance claim can be an effective first step, but even this can be difficult if you are not sure how to describe or evaluate the problems. Working with a storm damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help you communicate more effectively with your claim services and get the process started quickly.

1. Experienced Technicians Will Inspect and Catalog Damage

When multiple rooms in your home are damaged by a major storm, gauging the extent of the damage may be a challenge due to the presence of flood water and other debris. Experienced flood technicians can survey each room and begin the remediation process, and what they report to you may help you file an insurance claim with more confidence and speed.

2. They Respond Quickly

Once your home is damaged by a storm, getting in touch with claim services right away can help expedite the filing process, and they can send an emergency response restoration team out to help kick start the cleanup process. The faster the techs reach you, the sooner you can receive detailed information about the likely total amount of your claim.

3. The Cost of Restoration for Some Items Will Be Clearer To You

After a storm damages your home, you will probably have questions about the cost of restoring valuables and keepsakes and how you might file a claim to cover this service. Restoration experts from SERVPRO can discuss your options with you and help you understand what services your items require, as well as the cost of each, so you can file a claim right away.

When storms and flooding damage your Sioux City area home, starting the cleanup process can be a daunting task. Calling your insurance claim services and a restoration company before you try to salvage your belongings can make the filing process simpler and give you peace of mind during restoration.

3 Ways to Fight Bathroom Grout Fungi

2/22/2022 (Permalink)


When it comes to weekend chores, cleaning the bathroom is probably not your favorite task as a Sioux City area homeowner. Scrubbing the toilet and wiping up hair and soap residue from the sink can be daunting work, but one issue you may find especially challenging is how to remove bathroom mildew from your shower’s grout. This fungus can be stubborn once it dries into the grout; however, there are a few strategies you can use to banish it for good.

1. Create a Natural Cleanser

If you want to avoid the harshness and strong odors of bleach-based household cleaners, you can make one out of natural ingredients. You will need lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar. Mix the vinegar and lemon juice together in equal portions, then add the baking soda slowly until it forms a paste. Spread this mixture onto the grout and let it sit for twenty to thirty minutes. The ingredients in the paste should loosen the mildew and make it easier to wash away.

2. Soak the Grout Overnight in a Dishwashing Solution

When the entire family takes hot showers, this can create a humidity problem that causes mildew to form in the shower wall’s grout. If you want to avoid scrubbing this fungus away, you can soak the tile overnight in a solution of blue dishwashing liquid and a touch of white vinegar. In the morning, simply rinse the grout and wipe away any film left behind.

3. Call a Professional Mold Removal Service

If you are dealing with severe bathroom mildew, you may want to call in a professional mold remediation and removal company for assistance. Qualified technicians can bring in a variety of tools and cleaning solutions that are not available publicly to deal with stubborn mildew. These techs may also be able to provide you with strategies for keeping grout clean in the future.

Dealing with bathroom mildew in your Sioux City area home can be frustrating. However, keeping these cleaning tactics in mind can help you banish fungus safely and effectively.

Getting Rid of a Sewer Backup

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

Flooded toilet problems are common for homeowners in the Sioux City area, as are other issues with the local sewer system. Sewer backup is to be expected occasionally, and the best way to make sure the damage is minimized, and a recurrence of the problem is prevented, is to understand how to get your sewer cleanup handled professionally. Great damage can emerge in a home if sewage is not properly cleaned up and rooms affected by the incident are not disinfected:

  • Long-term water damage to home features
  • Mold growth
  • Infectious disease contamination
  • Humidity and scent issues

How Professional Cleanup Works

When you call in the pros to handle your cleanup after a sewer emergency, you get more than just fast service with fewer hassles. You also get the expertise of trained and certified workers who understand the risks inherent in dealing with biohazardous materials. With the proper knowledge and the right equipment, they can easily clean and disinfect any sewer backup.

In a sewer cleanup, the first thing crews do is remove water and dry the area. This is typically handled with dry-cleaning tools that remove the water while picking up any dirt or other contaminants carried into the home with it. After that, they thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces, ensuring that every part of every surface affected is thoroughly restored. Sometimes, that means removing damaged building materials and repairing or replacing them.

How To Choose Your Restoration Professionals

When you need sewer cleanup after a flooded toilet or similar incident, it’s important that your restoration specialists have all the certifications necessary to handle the work. That means being certified to deal with water damage and restoration for sure. It also means being certified for the kind of biohazards present at a sewer backup. When you work with the right specialists, their experience and credentials make sure you are thoroughly protected. Many certified professionals in the Sioux City also work with insurance providers to streamline payment.

Spring Storms Affect the Sooland Area

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Whether it's your home or your business, strong storms can wreak havoc on your property.

Living in the Sioux City area we have grown accustom to living with the lively weather patterns that the spring season brings.

Sometimes, there's not much you can do to protect your property when 100+ MPH winds hit. Generally, we focus on what's most important... our loved ones. After the storm clouds clear a small percentage of our population will find damage to their homes and businesses.

SERVPRO is prepared to assist after spring storms. 

So whether it's a flooded basement in your home, or the entire roof ripped from your building, there's only one call to make. The cleanup professionals at SERVPRO of Sooland quietly taking to the streets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the best training and equipment. Call us at 712.274.2416

We are prepared to do the hard work necessary to make it "Like it never even happened."

3 Types of Weather Related Damage that could Impact your Business

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

3 Types Of Weather-Related Damage

As an Sioux City area business owner, you might think of rainstorms and other types of flood damage when it comes to the kind of harm bad weather might cause to your commercial building. However, trouble can come from other sources as well, even from those you did not expect. Before the storm season hits your area, it may be helpful to understand what kind of weather-related harm could befall your building, especially those that are not flood related.

1. Impact Damage

Storm damage can be common during high winds, when large tree branches, neighborhood objects like trash cans and other debris might strike your building. This can be especially damaging if a falling branch or projectile breaks a window. If you are expecting high winds to hit your area, consider covering your windows with thick sections of wood or treated rubber, especially at ground level.

2. Electrical Damage

While flooding is a common cause of damage to commercial buildings during bad weather, other types of events could impact their electrical systems to the point where they might need replacing. For example, ice and hail storms can affect fuse boxes and heating, ventilation and air conditioning units, rendering them inoperable. If your HVAC and electrical controls are on the exterior of your building, consider protective covers that can withstand all different types of weather.

3. Roofing Damage

Flood damage would likely affect the lower floors of your business; however, heavy rains and wind that often accompany flooding could impact its roof as well. Wind may pry tiles off your roof or tear away sections of protective material, exposing the underside to moisture. Contacting a flood damage and restoration company may be useful when it comes to finding out how to protect your roof from the kind of harm powerful storms can cause.

Bad weather and flood damage are likely sources of worry for you as a Sioux City area business owner. However, when you know how to protect your property, you may feel greater peace of mind when wind, rain and floods threaten your area.

Cleanup After a Flood

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Dealing with the aftermath of a flood in the Siouxland area can be devastating. In addition to water damage that can take a long time to repair, a flood can damage the contents of a business. When you are cleaning contents, you need to categorize each item into one of two material types to know if your belongings can be saved.

Porous Materials

Anything in your commercial property that could possibly absorb water may have to be thrown away, particularly if your building was flooded with black water. Porous materials can include anything from carpets to upholstered furniture and drywall. Because these contents can absorb filthy water, they cannot be cleaned thoroughly enough to prevent health hazards. When you begin the process of content cleaning, know that any item made of porous material that possibly came in contact with the contaminated water will likely need to be disposed of.

Non-Porous Materials

Any item that will not absorb water is made of non-porous material. These contents should be safe after a flood. Items may include metal desks or cabinets, waterproof safes, or even plastic furniture. Thorough cleansing with clean water and disinfectant will likely save any belongings made of non-porous materials and keep them useful after restoration. Because these contents did not absorb the dirty water, they do not pose a significant risk if they are kept.

Losing critical business information may be one of the most devastating parts of surviving a flood. Content cleaning can be challenging because you may have to throw away many items, but if you have the right knowledge of porous and non-porous materials, you may be able to save some items. When dealing with black water, knowing which items pose a health hazard is critical to the restoration process. Separating belongings into one of these two categories can help make the cleaning process faster and easier.

5 Fire Prevention Tips

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

Prevent a Home Fire

The best way to survive a home fire is by preventing one from occurring. Fortunately, fire preparation tasks are straightforward.

Install enough smoke alarms in your home.

Ideally, these alarms should be located inside each bedroom, on every level of the home, at least ten feet from cooking appliances, and in the halls outside of the bedrooms. Don't forget to test the alarms every month and replace the batteries on an annual basis. Make sure that family members know how to recognize the alarm and how to exit safely.

Perform home maintenance consistently and thoroughly.

Greasy buildup in burners, lint in the dryer hose, and neglected chimneys are all cause of fire damage. Many household chores and repairs, such as repairing damaged sockets, have a significant impact on fire preparation and prevention.

Store flammable items safely.

Keep gas for the lawnmower, lighter fluid, and similar products stored in a cool location and out of reach. Additionally, consider the many other potentially combustible items. Go through the cabinets and closets of your home, watching for things such as lighters, matches, chemicals, and other flammable items.

Prepare for emergency situations.

A ten-gallon can of baking soda near the cooktop quickly puts out grease fires, safely and effectively. Fire extinguishers with BC or ABC rating are best. An A rating indicates that pressurized water is in the canister and that the extinguisher is not appropriate for cooking fires.

Teach Your Family Fire Safety

In addition to teaching children not to play with matches, fire safety education should include not throwing laundry over a lamp or leaving papers near heaters. The more your children are aware of how fires start, the better they'll be at avoiding them.

What to do After a Fire?

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

Fire restoration Things to do after a fire

Few things are more complicated than having to deal with fire damage in the home. Sometimes, the steps that you as the homeowner take after the fire damage determine the speed at which the home will be restored to the state it was in before the fire damage happened. Below are is a guideline outlining the steps you ought to take after an electrical fire or another type of fire breaks out in your home.

3 Steps to follow after suffering Fire Damage. 

1. Evacuation

The very first thing you need to do is ensure that all the people who were in the building have gotten out. In case there is someone still trapped in the building because of soot damage or smoke damage, you should call in emergency services such as the fire truck, fire sprinkler systems, fire hoses, and firefighters to help rescue them and put out the fire. Do not try to get back into the house once you are out where it is safe.

2. Calling the insurance company

When the fire has been put out by the fire sprinkler systems, and the fire trucks have left, the most challenging part of the fire restoration process starts. As a homeowner, this is the point at which you call the insurer and inform them of the accident. Making the call to your insurer gives you the peace of mind you need to proceed to the next important step in commercial fire damage and restoration.

3. Contacting the fire restoration company

Commercial fire damage experts recommend that you should stay away from a building that has suffered fire damage until a fire restoration expert has certified it safe to enter. Contact SERVPRO of Sooland and let us know about the fire. Once contacted we will send a project manager to you home to assess the damages and work with you and your insurance carries to put you back to pre loss condition! 

Smoke damage and soot damage in the house is a typical result of the fire. We will clean up the smoke damage on all surfaces and make sure the house is as clean as it was before the fire.

Steps of Sewage Cleanup

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

Sewer cleanup poses some unique challenges for a home repair in the Sooland area. Not only does the residential cleanup team have to worry about removing standing water and drying out your house, but there may be an added worry of bacteria and other contaminants. What extra steps does this type of cleanup require?

• Identify the source: A flooded toilet can pose different problems than water from a sewer main. Both water sources will fill your home with what is essentially dirty water, but the level of contamination is different. Toilet water could be considered a category two flood because it is contaminated with urine, bacteria and other viruses, but does not contain feces. However, if the water comes from beyond the toilet bowl, it may be category three water because of the added feces, chemicals and microbes.
• Use special equipment: Because of the potential of bacteria and other contaminants being in the water, a sewer cleanup requires the use of some special equipment. Workers coming into contact with the water need to wear gloves, special suits, goggles and masks to protect themselves. A regular wet vac may not be enough to get rid of the standing water either. If the sewage contains sludge, your team of experts may need to use a trach vac because it can suck up liquids and solids.
• Disinfect the area: When dealing with dirty water from a sewer backup, the entire affected area has to be disinfected after the water is removed. If this step is skipped, your home may be dry but full of extra bacteria. Most building materials and belongings touched by category two or three water has to be thrown out rather than repaired.

Sewer cleanup often follows a lot of the same path as any residential water damage repair. However, the water may contain certain chemicals and bacteria that make the cleanup process a little more in depth.

Freezing and Thawing Patterns

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

While a bust pipe is usually the most common cause of flooding, your building may be affected by thawing and freezing weather patterns as well. Rapid thawing can cause melting snow and ice to create standing water on your property, which may seep into your basement and cause flooding. A storm damage and flood remediation service can advise you about your building’s flood risk and what steps you can take to protect it. 

Whether a burst pipe or an early thaw causes flooding in the Sioux City area, commercial building, the results can be costly. Knowing what to watch for once temperatures drop can help prevent flood damage and the problems it can cause.

When your Sioux City area home has water damage from flooding or leaks, you need the company that can respond immediately and has the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property. SERVPRO of Sooland uses advanced water damage inspection and extraction equipment to help them find the moisture and to remove it as quickly as possible. Our highly trained technicians will monitor and document the drying process so that you know your property is back to normal.

Why do we like quick mitigation?

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage Timeline after you home is inundated with flooding from a broken pipe.

Within Minutes of a Water Damage

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24 after a Water Damage: 

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week after a Water Damage: 

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week After a water Damage:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

Call us at 712.274.2416 if you have questions about the problem in your home.

What should I do if my home is flooded?

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

Don't take a flooded home as a lighthearted matter. You should be very serious in your attempts to enter your home after it has been flooded. Keep these in mind after a flood damage in the Siouxland area.

  1. Disconnect all the Electronics - these can start fires if left on
  2. Move anything not Bolted to the Ground - furniture and tables should be moved out
  3. Have a Restoration Company Remove the Water - extraction of water helps with the drying process
  4. Get Rid of Moisture in the Affected Area - dehumidification will keep the mold from growing.
  5. Disinfect the House - part of the cleaning process is to disinfect the house before rebuilding.
  6. Dispose of Waste Responsibly - tearing out items from the home is naturally the case. Remember to take into consideration items with asbestos or you could be fined for disposing them incorrectly

Winter Storm Preparations

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

In the Midwest, we are no strangers to a bad winter. With freezing temperatures, lots of snow, and high winds, winter storms can be dangerous for your home and your family. Here are some tips to make sure you’re ready for the Midwestern winter.

Be prepared to lose power.

The biggest worry during a storm is that you will lose power. Although this is usually restored within a few hours, it is very possible to lose power for multiple days if there are multiple power lines down throughout the area. Stocking up on non-perishable food, warm clothing, and buying batteries is essential. If you can have a generator fueled and ready to power your home, this would be the best-case scenario to ensure your families safety. Be in contact with friends and family and have an emergency home to go to in case you need to stay a few days somewhere else while power is restored.

Be aware of frozen pipes.

In freezing temperatures, water pipes are very susceptible to freezing. Even if your home has power and heat, pipes can still freeze. To prevent this, use water sources regularly so that water flows through pipes and doesn’t have time to build up and freeze. If you try to use a sink, toilet, or appliance and there is no water coming into it, this is a sign you might have a pipe break. Another tip for prevention, is to have a tiny drip of water flow through your pipes to stop pressure from building up.

Remove snow as far away from home as possible.

If feasible, push snow away from your home. This will prevent ice from building up around your home and its foundation, which could cause cracks and leaks inside the house. Pushing snow away from your home will also help during spring when snow and ice begins melting, if there is too much water near your home, it can seep in through the foundation or other cracks in your windows or siding. Although sometimes snow has to be piled up next to your house, when possible, push it as far away as possible.

We hope you and your family stay safe this winter! If you ever suspect you have water damage, give us a call and we can use our water detection technology to find any leak or pipe break!

Cleanup After a Fire

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

What's next?

Few things are as devastating to any homeowners as a house fire. If your home catches fire, our team at SERVPRO of Sooland works to aid you in the process of rebuilding. However, there are a few things you must do after a fire has occurred that applies to homeowners anywhere in the Sooland area, or anywhere else. 

Give Your Insurance Adjuster a Call

You must call your insurance company promptly after. Your agent will help you figure out what happens after the fire has been put out, and they will walk you through the process of finding the proper contractors. Your adjuster should assist you in finding a place to stay in New York while your home is no longer livable, and they can help you figure out the financial situation you are now in. 

Calling in the Restoration Specialists

SERVPRO is a restoration company that helps people with their homes following a fire throughout the US. What makes a restoration company imperative is that you cannot just head back into your home after there has been a fire. There are numerous hazards that must be cleaned, boarded, and a variety of other issues that must be handled first. For example, the water used to put out the fire can cause water damage, a whole other problem to add to the list following a fire. 

Sort Your Property 

Once you have a restoration specialist handle the details inside your home and you’re cleared to enter, it’s time to sort your property out from what can be saved and what you must part with. There may be undamaged items in your home that you can salvage. There are many more that are unsalvageable, and those items will need to be sorted and disposed of. 

Being the victim of a house fire is heartbreaking. It’s also a scary process to deal with, but you are not required to go through this alone. The people you hire at SERVPRO are there to help you with your new needs, we are here to make sure you know what to expect and how to handle it!

Broken Window During a Storm?

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Storms can lead to unexpected damages in your home that can cause much bigger issues. In the event of a broken window, it is important deal with this issue immediately. 

First you must take photos of the damage for insurance purpose and then clean the glass from the area as best as possible to minimize risk of cutting yourself. Once the glass is cleaned, a tarp can be secured over the window until a new window can be put in. 

A restoration company like SERVPRO of Sooland can be used to do the full clean up and assess anymore damages after a storm. Never hesitate to contact the professionals. 

Cleaning vs Disinfecting at Home

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

Many think cleaning and disinfecting are synonymous but there is a crucial difference between the two. When you clean, you’re simply removing organic dirt, debris, and general soils. Disinfecting is using a higher level of disinfectant product to remove or control the spread of viruses and bacteria. Disinfection isn’t as effective, though, if you don’t clean first prior to applying the disinfectant product!

Follow these 5 tips from our SERVPRO experts to make sure you’re properly protecting yourself and your home.


There are consumer products out there that are almost as effective as professional products in the fight against the spread of infectious diseases when used according to the label. All these products are going to be registered by the EPA and will have specific directions on how long the surface must remain wet, how the product should be applied, and what surfaces they can be used on.


You can have the best cleaning product, but if you don’t know how to apply that product correctly, you’re going to be ineffective. Disinfection can be done effectively at home if you use the right products and follow the label and product instructions.


Basic hand protection when using disinfecting products is always wise. Try to use nitrile gloves or any other type of disposable gloves you can find.


Microfiber cloths are made up of fibers with multiple surfaces and allow you to have a better contact as you’re cleaning. Household sponges are not recommended, as they can often be breeding grounds for bacteria. If possible, you could even use something that you can dispose of, like disposable wipes or cloths. Otherwise a microfiber cloth is what you should use.


Keep your hands washed and regularly clean high touch areas in your home like door handles and light switches. Practicing basic hygiene is what’s going to continue to break the cycle of infection and reduce the virus spread.

Putting these tips into practice can help you reduce levels of contamination.

Tips on Reopening Your Business After a Disaster

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

A natural disaster can occur at a moment's notice. Within seconds, your business can be damaged or destroyed, forcing you to close your doors until you can get back up and running. Unfortunately, businesses that haven’t implemented a disaster recovery plan before the unthinkable happens may likely be unable to reopen their doors after a loss. In fact, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), up to 40 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors after a natural disaster strikes. With lack of planning for financial damages, property destruction, loss of essential business documents and equipment, and taking care of staff needs, it can be difficult for business owners to rebuild when disaster strikes.

Luckily, the experts at SERVPRO are here to help. Use these tips to get your business back on its feet as soon as you can after disaster strikes.


If your business is going to survive a natural disaster, you’ll need a detailed preparedness plan in place. Write down a list of immediate solutions you'll implement in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Include items such as:

  • Which disasters are likely to impact your business, depending on where it is located
  • Locations suitable for employee evacuation
  • How to stay in contact with all staff members
  • Emergency contact information for each employee
  • Plans to protect and/or access vital business records and information
  • If there will be an off-site location from which employees need to work until doors reopen
  • Contact information for the business’s insurance company, financial institutions, and a reputable disaster restoration company


As soon as you can, keep your customers and staff informed about what's happening with your business. Provide an estimate of when you'll be able to reopen for business. If excessive damage forces you to temporarily relocate, let others know how to find you. Keep in mind that your ability to recover from a natural disaster might largely depend on how quickly your employees are able to return to work. Reach out to your team, and work with them to make scheduling changes if necessary so everyone can get back to normal as soon as possible.


While FEMA provides financial assistance to businesses that are located in a federally declared disaster area, the process of receiving aid can take some time, especially when an astronomical number of claims are being filed. Have a backup plan in place to ensure you're able to cover the costs of repairs in a punctual manner.

Consider purchasing a flood insurance plan that specifically covers natural disasters. The Small Business Administration (SBA) may also be a good place to turn for help. Through the organization's Office of Disaster Assistance, businesses that are located in declared disaster areas can apply for low-interest, long-term loans to make repairs and replacements.


Even just one act of nature can cause a major interruption. Businesses that recognize the importance of having a detailed plan in place to recover after a natural disaster may have a greater chance of survival. Start listing out your steps to rebuilding before disaster strikes to increase your chances of recovering.

If the unexpected does happen, remember that you’re not alone. Count on the experts at SERVPRO to guide and support you throughout the recovery process and help get your business back up and running again as quickly as possible.

Flooding and your Business's Electronics

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

If you're like most business owners, your office electronics are the lifeblood of your company. In the event that a disaster strikes, all your records could be impaired and permanently lost, including invaluable company records, customer information, and even communication.

In the aftermath of a flood, it's important to know what to do to mitigate the effects of water damage on your computer systems and other electronics. If you act quickly enough, you may be able to save more information and get your business back on its feet faster. Find out what you should do after an emergency and when to call on the professionals after your equipment or technology has been damaged by high humidity, directly hit, or completely submerged in water with these helpful tips from SERVPRO.


Humidity spikes can occur in a room with standing water or other significant water damage. Surprisingly, delicate electronics like computers, printers, work phones, fax machines and other devices can still be damaged even without direct contact to the water source. That's because in humid conditions, dust can turn into sludge and cling to wiring and circuit boards. This is even more likely if the flooding or high humidity was caused by an office fire that produced smoke damage to electronics.

What to do: In all instances of high humidity water damage, professional electronic restoration services are recommended to bring your equipment back to normal conditions. A professional cleaning provides a better chance that your costly electronics and devices can be fully restored to preloss condition.


Electronics can sustain a direct hit from running or splashing water without being completely submerged. This scenario can occur from accidental spills, water overflow, leaks, floods and virtually any other water-related incident. When direct hits to your electronics happen, try to remove them from the water source as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage.

What to do: Often, computer water damage from a direct hit looks worse from the outside than it actually is on the inside. Commercial restoration and cleaning, including an adequate drying period, can remove contaminants left by the water and restore the equipment to proper functioning, usually at least long enough to recover crucial data. However, there is always a risk of circuit board corrosion. Over time, you may need to replace either essential components, or the entire device.


Submersion occurs when the electronic equipment has actually been completely covered in standing water – and possibly even muddy silt and sediment – for a period of hours or days. This type of damage can happen in serious disasters where people are unable to get to the office for long periods of time, or during weekends or holiday breaks when a pipe may burst and nobody is notified until the next business day.

What to do: Unfortunately, electronics that have been submerged are not usually good candidates for electronic restoration services. This is because most submersion incidents cause the computers to short out and damage the internal circuits beyond repair. While you could potentially replace damaged parts and have the equipment professionally cleaned, it may be prohibitively expensive unless your items were specially designed or extremely costly. In submersion cases, we recommend completely replacing your electronics and notifying your insurance about each damaged item.

Remember, if your business has sustained flood or water damage, it is never safe to just turn on your electronics afterward to test them. You run the risk of electrical shock, and even further damage to your equipment. That's why you should call on us. Our water damage restoration services work quickly with the innovative tools and expertise necessary to fix your equipment. Contact the professionals at SERVPRO to learn how we can get your business back up and running fast.

Getting Your Business Up and Running After a Hurricane

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

After any severe natural disaster, many people are left wondering how to even start picking up the pieces, both literally and figuratively. If you’re a business owner, you not only have to worry about repairing your home, but also your commercial property – your livelihood. If your building experienced severe water damage, use these hurricane damage recovery tips from the experts at SERVPRO to get your business up and running as soon as possible.


Safety should always be your number one priority – business owner or not. Even after the rain stops and the flood water begins to recede, the dangers of flooding still loom. You may not be able to see potential electrical hazards, gas leaks and water contaminants with an untrained eye, which is why you should avoid entering your property until an inspector determines the structure is safe.


After you're given the OK to reenter your place of business, follow these five steps to safely examine the damages and start your commercial property's recovery and restoration.

1. Contact Your Insurance Provider

Begin the claim filing process for any major damages as soon as possible. We know that dealing with insurance can be a long, frustrating and daunting process. That's why it's best to place a call to your insurance agent right away. You can always call back with more details on the damages later, but the sooner you start, the better.

2. Wear Safety Gear

If your property survived the storm, it may have some battle scars. Since there will likely be debris, broken glass and flood water inside, you'll need to wear the proper protective gear during cleanup, including gloves, closed toe shoes and possibly waders. Try to cover any exposed skin to reduce the risk of scratches, cuts and infection.

3. Survey the Damage

Seeing your business damaged by a flood can be devastating. It's OK to feel sad or overwhelmed – in fact, it's completely normal. Take you time to process the extent of the storm's impact. As you assess the scope of the damage, remember to take pictures of any damage you see and to make detailed notes for your insurance claim and company records.

4. Clear Rubble and Salvage What You Can

Remove unharmed or repairable items and store them in a safe, dry place until the restoration of your building is complete. If the rest of the debris is safe to handle, clear away rubble so you can begin repairs. Make any minor fixes if you can, but don't be afraid to ask for help.

5. Find the Right Professional Help

Flood damage restoration experts know how to tackle jobs of all sizes and get your business back in shape quickly. Find a company like SERVPRO, who can guide you through the entire restoration process and have proven experience helping businesses recover after hurricane flood damage.

Stopping a Water Leak Before it Becomes a Problem

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

A water leak in your business should never be ignored. Whether from a plumbing leak, an appliance malfunction, or a leaky roof or windows, even a small amount of excess water can lead to significant water damage repair costs. That’s why it’s important to identify leaks and take quick action to correct them. Use the following tips from SERVPRO to stop small leaks from becoming a big problem.


Water can get into your building in a variety of ways, and two of the main culprits are roof leaks and plumbing leaks. One of the tell-tale signs of a leak in your plumbing system is an unexpected increase in your water bill. If your water bill seems high, inspect your building for the following:

  • Leaking pipe joints or P-traps underneath sinks.
  • Leaks around appliances that use water.
  • Corrosion on supply lines to appliances and fixtures.
  • Stains below supply line connections.
  • Broken toilet tank flappers.
  • Odd smells coming from drains, which may indicate a sewer leak.
  • Warped or discolored flooring.
  • Water stains on the walls and ceilings directly below bathrooms.

Water stains on walls and ceilings can also be indicators of a roof leak. Other signs of water damage can include a musty smell in the attic, peeling paint around skylights, deteriorating drywall, missing or damaged shingles, and damaged flashing.


Some leaks are, thankfully, fairly easy to fix. A leaky toilet may just require a new flapper valve, while a leaky faucet could need a new O-ring. If the leak requires more than a simple fix, however, call in a professional to address the issue and keep your water damage repair costs to a minimum.

In the event of a plumbing or appliance leak, you can mitigate the damage while you wait for the professionals to arrive. Start by shutting off the local water supply at the site of the leak. Here are the usual shut-off valve locations for some common fixtures and appliances:

  • Sink: Just below the sink, next to the water supply lines. Sinks will typically have two shut-off valves, one for hot water and one for cold water.
  • Dishwasher: Also under the sink, likely close to the sink shut-off valves.
  • Toilet: Close to the toilet and near the floor, as part of the water supply line.
  • Refrigerator with water and ice dispensers: On the supply tube running to the refrigerator, likely behind the refrigerator or under a nearby sink.

You can also lessen the potential for long-term damage by mopping or soaking up any standing water in the area of the leak. Keep in mind, however, that where there’s a water leak there’s often mold growth, so if you discover a mold outbreak it’s best to leave cleaning and remediation up to the experts. A professional water damage cleanup service like SERVPRO will know exactly how to address the problem before it gets worse.

Even seemingly insignificant water leaks can be signs of a larger issue. Don't let these problems continue unaddressed. Take steps to identify and stop water leaks at your place of business, and then contact the remediation experts at SERVPRO to make sure your business stays safe and clean for everyone who walks through the door.

Fixing a Running Toilet

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

You’re probably familiar with that notorious sound that emanates from a constantly running toilet. While certainly annoying, a toilet that runs continuously can also be costly in many ways. From a huge water bill to potential flooding or a damaged septic system, running toilets are often more than just a nuisance.

It’s important to know what causes a running toilet, and what you can do to fix it before it becomes a much more serious problem. Read on to find out the basics of toilets that run too frequently, and why this is one repair you definitely don’t want to put off.

What Causes a Running Toilet?

A constantly running toilet is generally an indication that one or more internal components of the toilet tank has malfunctioned. Luckily, these issues can be easy to diagnose, and fixing a toilet that runs is something you can often do yourself. Remove the lid from the tank and inspect the following:

  • Fill Valve or Ballcock: Your tank will include either a cylindrical fill valve or a round ballcock that is designed to shut off water flow once the tank has filled up. If water is continuously escaping down the overflow tube, you may need to adjust the fill valve or ballcock to reduce the amount of water it allows into the tank.
  • Flapper: This part creates a seal around the flush valve, through which water flows into the toilet bowl. Ensure that the flapper is not worn, chipped or hardened. Make sure the chain coming off the flapper has not gotten caught or tangled, and that it has adequate slack to allow the flapper to close automatically after the handle is released.
  • Flush Valve: Like the flapper, this part can become rough or eroded over time, allowing water to slowly drain into the bowl and causing the tank to periodically refill.
  • Flush Lever: This includes the toilet handle and the arm inside the tank. Make sure they are tightly secured and in good condition.

The Major Risks of Minor Leaks

Whatever the cause, it’s a good idea to fix a running toilet as soon as you’re aware of the problem. For starters, a constantly running toilet can waste a substantial amount of water, setting you up for a nasty surprise when the next water bill arrives. Beyond that, a toilet that runs all the time is at greater risk of overflowing and causing substantial flooding damage, with overflow being among the leading causes of toilet failures, according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.

For those on septic systems, a running toilet introduces additional risks. Constant water flow can flood your septic tank and can eventually cause the drain field to saturate and fail. This can lead to health hazards as well as costly mitigation and repair efforts that, as with a flooded home, far exceed what it would have cost to repair a leaking toilet in the first place.

If you have a toilet that won’t stop running, don’t wait for the problem to get out of hand. Understanding the basics of toilet operation and what you can do to fix yours can mean the difference between an easy repair and expensive damage. If you do end up dealing with a toilet overflow and damage to your home, you can count on the experts at SERVPRO to help make it right. We’re available 24/7/365 to answer your questions and help you return to a clean, healthy home as soon as possible.

Main Water Valve Leaking?

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

As a homeowner, it's essential to know where the main water shut off valve is located. Water leaks from running toilets, burst pipes, broken water heaters, and even leaky sinks can cause significant damage in a short amount of time. In order to prevent costly damage, turn off the water supply as soon as a leak, flood, or spill occurs.

Find out how to maintain all your valves throughout the year, including the ones connected to your sinks and toilets, plus tips on when it's best to completely shut off your main water line from the experts at SERVPRO.


Typically, you won't have to go directly to the main water line to fix a leak. Instead, your first attempt at stopping your water supply should be straight at the source. Most local supply lines have valves located directly behind or above the fixture and can be turned clockwise to shut off the water supply.

To locate water valves next to specific fixtures in your home, use these tips:

  • For sinks, look under the cabinet on the supply lines leading to the faucet. There will likely be two shut-off valves to control both cold and hot water.
  • For toilets, look close to the ground behind or beside the toilet, along the flexible metal tubing leading to the tank.
  • For washing machines, look either directly above the washer or pull the machine away from the wall and check behind it.
  • For water heaters, the water valve should be located just above the heater itself.

Operating these valves can vary depending on their design. There may be a round or oval-shaped valve handle that you turn clockwise to close, and counterclockwise to reopen. Some modern plumbing shutoff valves may feature a flat knob that you pull out in order to close. Others may look like flat levers, which you can turn perpendicular to the supply line to reach the closed position. In many cases, operating instructions may be indicated directly on the valve.

If the leaky fixture's valves aren't working or break off, turn off your main water line right away. Acting fast could save you plenty in damages and repair costs.


The main water line valve to a house is usually located in the basement or in the crawlspace and enclosed behind an access panel. However, there isn't a standard location specified in any home.

If you don't know where to look for your water shut off valve, use these tips:

  • The valve will often be located on-grade, so you'll likely find it at eye-level in the basement or near the ground on the first floor.
  • The valve may also be attached to the water meter outside your home. Water meters are generally located close to the street in an underground box or near your driveway, yard or sidewalk.
  • Take a look at the property inspection report provided when you purchased your home. This report should note the location of the valve.


At SERVPRO, we know how terrifying it can be to try shutting off your supply lines just to see the valves stick in place – or worse, snap off in your hands. That's why we recommend periodically checking your shut off valves to ensure they're in good working condition.

At least twice a year, test all the valves in your home. Simply turn them completely off and on again to ensure they aren't stuck in place or include faulty parts. That way, if an emergency ever does occur, you can have peace of mind that you'll be able to fix the problem quickly and efficiently.

Make sure every family member knows where these shutoff valves are located so that a minor water incident doesn’t result in major damage. Consider writing out instructions so everyone in the household knows how to act if they spot a leak. When you’re heading out of town, use these valves to shut off water flow so that you don’t come home to water damage or a flood.

If the unexpected happens are you aren’t able to shut off your water valves in time, call on the experts at SERVPRO. Our water damage restoration services can help you get your home back to normal as quickly as possible. With the proper tools and knowledge, we'll work fast and efficiently to prevent additional water damage, cleanup costs, and overall stress.

Faster to Any Disaster!

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

If a storm strikes your home or business, call SERVPRO of Sooland at 712-274-2416. SERVPRO franchise professionals are leaders in fire and water cleanup and restoration.

Even minor water intrusion has the potential to cause major damages to a structure, if not treated quickly mold can become a concern as well.  

Why you should call SERVPRO

SERVPRO has over forty years of experience on restoring water damaged homes and businesses from coast to coast. SERVPROS' Disasters Recovery Team is trained and equipped to handle the largest storms and flood waters. 

Floods can strike anywhere

  • The principle causes of floods in the western United States are snow melt and rainstorms. 
  • Underpasses can be extremely dangerous during a flash flood especially at night.

If you have any water damage that is caused by storms call SERVPRO of Sooland at 712-274-2416.

We're Here to Help

Storm Event Response!!

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in storm damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we can respond quickly and with all the right resources. A fast response will lessen the damage, limit further damage, and reduce the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Large Storms

When storms hit the Siouxland area, we have the resources to scale up our response to handle a large storm or flash flood disaster. When needed we can access equipment and personnel from a network of over 1,700 Franchises across the country and we have elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, SERVPRO© Franchise Professionals are prepared for the unpredictable.

3 Home Fire Safety Tips

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

A home fire occurs every 86 seconds in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). These fires result in thousands of deaths and injuries each year, along with billions of dollars in property damage. While the numbers are alarming, some of the harm caused by residential fires is avoidable. A strong home fire safety plan can improve your family's chances of escaping a fire safely and, in some cases, it may help you avoid one altogether. Learn three top ways to practice fire safety in the home from the experts at SERVPRO of Sooland.

  1. Home Fire Prevention

The best way to stay safe from fires is to stop them from occurring in the first place. Start by implementing the fire-prevention measures below:

  • Keep flammable materials away from heat sources. If you're using a portable space heater, keep it at least 3 feet away from flammable objects like furniture, blankets, electronics and anything combustible.
  • Don't leave flames or smoking materials unattended, including fireplaces, stovetops, candles and cigarettes. Avoid smoking indoors, and never smoke in bed.
  • Fix or replace frayed electrical cords or wires.
  • Don't overload wall outlets or extension cords.
  • Have your furnace or home heating source periodically inspected and kept in good working order.
  • Make sure everyone in the household understands the importance of home fire safety and observes fire-safe habits, including your kids.

Get more fire prevention and safety tips from Ready.gov.

  1. Home Fire Safety Equipment

A good home fire safety plan includes having the right supplies and safety equipment on hand. These tools will be your first line of defense in the event of a fire, and they can dramatically improve your ability to react effectively.

  • Install smoke detectors on every floor of your home, in every bedroom, and outside each sleeping area.
  • Inspect and maintain your smoke detectors
  • A fire extinguisher can keep small, containable fires from growing out of control. Have an extinguisher handy whenever you use cooking or heating equipment.
  • Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Consider installing an automatic sprinkler system in your home.
  1. Fire Safety Planning

During an emergency, reaction time is critical. Beyond the equipment you need, everyone in your household should know what to do if a fire starts. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Create a fire safety plan that establishes at least two escape routes and a safe location away from the home where everyone can meet.
  • Make an emergency communications plan to stay in contact during and after a fire.
  • Practice your escape plan twice a year so everyone can act quickly when it counts.
  • Teach children how and when to call 9-1-1.

Preparing Our Youth For Disasters and Emergencies

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

When the unexpected happens, will your child know what to do? Disaster can strike anywhere, usually with little to no warning. If your child is put in an emergency situation and doesn't know how to react, they could be severely hurt and may even feel significant anxiety that can follow them for years. With the proper education, though, your child can feel more secure, confident and helpful in the event of a disaster.

Preparing Our Youth

Ultimately, it takes the whole community to educate our youth through preparedness tips and advice. With everyone doing their part, children will understand the seriousness of an emergency situation and strive to become leaders in their classrooms and neighborhoods, ensuring that everybody is prepared for the next disaster. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the American Red Cross and the Department of Education have worked together to create the National Strategy For Youth Preparedness Education, a document that outlines a vision for prepared youth in the United States, and how communities can turn that vision into a reality. This document seeks to educate youth and their parents so that communities are better able to prepare for, respond to and recover from future disasters.

How to Prepare Youth for Emergencies and Disasters with Nine Steps

The National Strategy document indicates nine crucial steps that people and organizations at the local, state and federal levels should take to create a strong and prepared youth community. Here's how you can help prepare young people for several types of emergencies and disasters:

  1. Make it important. Elevating the importance of youth preparedness learning programs in schools and civic organizations allows children to recognize that being prepared is crucial throughout every area of the community.
  2. Evaluate. If existing youth preparedness programs aren't up to par, develop guidance, tools and up-to-date protective actions in order to ensure that the children in your community are given proper direction.
  3. Support. Communities, organizations and schools should be able to prepare children without facing unnecessary resistance or interference.
  4. Create. Establish a relationship between local youth and the first responder community, so that your kids can understand how first responders react in emergency situations. Your kids can also learn from their own heroes what they can do to help in a disaster.
  5. Link. Connect youth preparedness to family and community participation, so that your child can become an advocate in your area.
  6. Make school preparedness key. Schools, by their nature, promote broad community participation already, so adding preparedness programs that include curricula, drills and exercises for all local disasters can help children understand what to do when faced with a crisis.
  7. Build and strengthen. Creating and maintaining partnerships among stakeholder agencies and organizations allows your community to receive up-to-date information about youth preparedness best practices. Local leaders can also be advocates to discuss your community's needs, especially if your area is prone to certain natural disasters.
  8. Identify. Find opportunities to insert youth preparedness education into youth culture, such as using social media or local ads to initiate a conversation about the importance and effectiveness of preparedness programs.
  9. Design. Create a sustaining model that designs, develops and delivers valuable programs to train youth in your community. Since certain areas are known to have specific recurring natural disasters, it's important to create a plan that's unique to your community's needs.

By implementing these nine priority steps in your community, your children can receive training to help them feel confident when faced with a disaster. Giving them the tools they need to understand how to prepare for, respond to and recover from several types of emergencies – from fires to floods and more – can make all the difference when disaster actually strikes.

Halloween Fire and Safety Tips

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

For kids, Halloween is often one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. Dressing up, trick-or-treating, candy, parties, hayrides and corn mazes make for great fun and amazing childhood memories. Unfortunately, Halloween has become a holiday with increasing numbers of home fires.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), decorations were the first item ignited in an estimated average of 860 reported home structure fires every Halloween between 2009 and 2013. These fires resulted in an average of 13 million dollars in direct property damage per year. At such a high cost, it’s crucial that you take the necessary steps to help prevent a fire from igniting in your home this season.

To help you enjoy a safer holiday, follow these important Halloween safety tips from the experts at SERVPRO of Sooland.


Use these tips to help prevent your Halloween decorations from catching fire:

Pumpkin Safety

The traditional jack-o-lantern features a smiling or spooky face that’s illuminated from within by a candle. Placing candles inside a cleaned-out pumpkin is a fire hazard. In fact, any lit candle left unattended is a Halloween fire hazard. If they’re inside pumpkins, they can tip over, ignite surrounding materials and cause a fire. To stay safe, use a battery-operated candle or LED light to illuminate your festive pumpkins.

Candle Safety

Using paper bag luminaries or lining a mantle, porch stairs or windowsills with lit candles can create an eerie effect for Halloween night. However, this type of decorating is a fire hazard and poses a risk of injury to you and your guests. To help prevent a fire from decorative candles, replace them with battery-operated, no-flame candles that still provide the same spooky ambiance.

Decoration Safety

Some decorations, both inside and outside of your home, can be dangerous if left near a heat source. Straw, hay bales, corn stalks and other dry materials are flammable. To protect your home from a fire, keep these decorations away from any kind of heat source, including fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, candles and outdoor fire pits.


Halloween has the potential to bring plenty of residents through your lawn. To help keep trick-or-treaters and their parents safe, check that your yard is properly maintained and has adequate lighting. Before night falls, complete these tasks:

  • Remove large amounts of debris, including leaves or sticks, to help reduce the risk of trips and falls.
  • Check that the exterior lights are working properly, including any path lights or Halloween decorations.
  • Ensure that steps and railing are secure, if necessary.

By following these tips, you can help keep everyone safe. We hope you have a happy and fun Halloween this year!

Unfortunately, accidents still happen. In the event that a fire broke out in your home, call on the experts at SERVPRO of Sooland. We’re available 24/7 every day of the year to get your home back to normal after a disaster. With the proper expertise, tools and innovative equipment, we can restore your home fast. Learn more about our residential fire and smoke damage removal services before the unexpected happens.

How To Recover From Fire Damage

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

A fire can sweep through a commercial building quickly. The sooner the flames are put out, the less damage there will be. However, water is one of the main ways to stop a fire, and water damage can sometimes wreak just as much destruction on a property as the fire itself.

Water damage after a fire can occur from the water hoses firefighters use, as well as the activation of the built-in sprinkler systems inside a commercial building. Find out how your business can recover from both types of water damage after a fire with help from the experts at SERVPRO of Sooland.


Excess water can soak everything inside a building, including equipment, electronics, upholstery, flooring and building materials. The longer water sits, the greater the risk that your building's contents will be permanently damaged or destroyed. Beyond the physical damage water can cause, moisture can also cause mildew and mold growth. If mold has an opportunity to spread in your business, you could face additional damage or restoration costs in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. That's why immediate water extraction after a fire is crucial.

Whenever water damage occurs, take the following steps as soon as possible:


After officials have declared it safe to re-enter the building, document the fire and water damage. Create a list of all items that were damaged or destroyed, and take plenty of photos before attempting any clean-up. Provide your insurance with as many details as possible about your losses so they can properly adjust your claim.


Notify your insurance company as soon as possible, and advise your agent about any repairs you intend to make immediately. The agent may advise you to wait for an adjuster to visit your commercial property before you make repairs or begin the clean-up process.


Open doors and windows to allow plenty of fresh air to circulate and dry your building. If possible, use a sump pump to remove excess water.


Mold and mildew can begin to grow within one to two days of water damage. To prevent extensive damage to your property, contact a professional water restoration company right away.


In order to minimize damage, removing excess water as quickly as possible is of the utmost importance. A professional water restoration company will work to save as much equipment as they can, including saving your business's electronics after water damage They'll also restore your commercial property back to its former state to help you get back to business.

When you call for water restoration services, you can expect professional technicians to help in the following ways:

  • Use specialized equipment to quickly remove all water.
  • Thoroughly dry affected areas, including wall cavities, flooring and other building materials.
  • Get rid of remaining moisture in the building by dehumidifying affected areas.
  • Conduct an expert mold and mildew inspection and provide treatments, if necessary.
  • Conduct thorough bacteria inspection and treatment to ensure the building is safe to return to.
  • Restore the building and any items that are salvageable.

Dealing with water damage after a fire can be challenging and stressful. When you call in the professionals at SERVPRO of Sooland, you won’t have to go through it alone. Our commercial water damage services use state-of-the-art equipment to get your business up and running again. With a commitment to be at your side every step of the way, we'll work with you to develop a comprehensive plan that restores your building and helps you get back to business.

Flooding and Your Basement

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

A flooded basement hits like an oncoming train. Whether the problem stems from a broken pipe, failed sump pump or the result of a heavy downpour that found its way inside, a flooded basement needs to be dealt with immediately to prevent long-term damage.

When dealing with basement floods, there are some things you can and should do immediately, some things you might want to consider doing in the future and times when you should really call in the professionals.

Flooded Basement: Safety First

Safety should always be a priority. Entering a wet basement can be dangerous and even deadly. Before stepping into a flooded basement consider the following:

  • Is there a risk of electrical shock? If it's safe to access the main breaker box, turn off the power before you enter the basement. If the breaker box is located in the flooded basement, contact your local power company or a trusted electrician to help first.
  • Do you smell gas? Gas leaks are deadly and dangerous. If you smell gas, get out of the house and alert your utility company.
  • Is the flood water contaminated? Sewage, chemicals and other pollutants in flood waters pose a health risk to humans and animals. Avoid contact with contaminated flood water and any items that may have been in contact with contaminated flood water.
  • Is the flooded basement still structurally safe? If there is any question regarding the structural integrity of the flooded basement or the house above it, do not enter. Call for professional help.

How to Clean Up a Flooded Basement

If it's safe to enter, there are several things you can do to begin cleaning up your flooded basement. Before you dive in, remember the first rule is always safety. Wear protective clothing, safety glasses and gloves as you clean and inspect the basement. Make sure the space is well-ventilated, which also speeds the drying process.

Retrieve and remove: The quicker your personal items can be removed from water, the better the chances for repair and restoration. You need to get items out of the basement and dry off any remaining dampness to reduce the likelihood of mold growth.

Extract water: If the water is just a couple inches deep, you may be able to remove it using a wet/dry vacuum or portable sump pump. Both of these items can be rented rather than purchased. If you're wading through several inches of water or more, though, you'll likely need to call in professionals like those at SERVPRO of Sooland

Remove rugs: Any area rugs need to be removed and dried out immediately. If possible, hang area rugs outdoors to dry or opt for a professional cleaning. If the basement was carpeted, you may have to remove the carpet. Water can damage not only the carpet fibers but also the glue, backing, padding and underlayment, leaving the carpet at higher risk for mold. However, do not attempt to remove tacked-down carpeting yourself, leave it to the professionals.

Run a dehumidifier and fans: To prevent the development of mold after a basement flood, it's essential to keep the level of humidity as low as possible. If the weather is favorable, open any and all windows you can, then run a dehumidifier and fans to increase ventilation and lower the humidity levels.

Clean and disinfect: After the water is extracted and the basement thoroughly dried, the whole space needs to be cleaned and disinfected. Carefully wash and sterilize anything the flood waters touched that you were able to salvage.

Keep an inventory list: As each item is removed from your flooded basement and treated for water damage, add it to an inventory list. Keep a record of all the details regarding what was damaged in the flood, and hold onto estimates and receipts from any restoration or repair procedures. These documents will support any insurance claim you plan to make.

SERVPRO has been helping homes and businesses cope with water damage for more than 54 years. When your basement floods, call SERVPRO of Sooland to handle the water extraction, drying and any necessary mold remediation.

Commercial Large Loss

6/23/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO truck with SERVPRO trailer attached OUR TEAM IS ALWAYS READY!

The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster.

Every large loss is supervised by a commercial operations manager to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation.

At SERVPRO of Sooland, the difference is our ability to dispatch trained production professionals and cut costs through the strategic placement and oversight of temporary labor. Get the professionals, call SERVPRO of Sooland.

Clients for the Commercial Large Loss program include the following:

  • Hospitality Industry
  • Property Managers
  • Universities
  • Municipalities
  • Hospitals

With the ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the resources of more than 1,700 Franchises nationwide, no disaster is too big. Here locally we take care of our community with the Sioux City Fire Department. If you do need our services please do not hesitate to call SERVPRO of Sooland today.

What Makes SERVPRO Stand Out

3/8/2021 (Permalink)

As a restoration company, our aim is to be the trusted resource among clients. We ensure that we follow industry standard protocols. Our staff members go through IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration) training to be best prepared for all the services we offer. They are also certified with OSHA, Lead, and Asbestos awareness. We maintain a large inventory of equipment for residential and commercial work. The extensive list was added to this past week with more equipment being sent to our team. Air movers, dehumidification equipment, air scrubbers, specialty drying equipment including desiccants and generators all help complete the work in a timely manner. Lastly, our team members utilize technology and client documentation to make sure that everything is recorded properly. Our proprietary software that documents and records all the essential information is needed to make sure that these pieces are easily accessible. 

Water Damage…What Can I Do Until Help Arrives?

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of Sooland we are available 24/7/365 days a year for your water damaged home or business.  When it comes to water damage quick action is crucial and a delay, even a small one can cause more serious damage to your property. 

We understand that during this stressful time you need someone to walk you through this process.  SERVPRO of Sooland has the specific water damage training to walk you through the difficult and often times confusing moments following a disaster in your home or business.  If you need emergency services, we recommend calling our team immediately to get this process under way.

Here are a few tips of what you can do before help arrives.

  • Ask yourself, is it safe to stay in this home or property?
  • If it is safe to stay remove any slip and fall hazards.
  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floor; wet materials may be heavy, be careful!

When you call our SERVPRO Representative will ask you some quick questions, these questions will help us know what equipment and tools to bring with us. Here is an example of what they will ask:

  • Name & Contact Information.
  • Street Address of the affected home or business.
  • Insurance Information if applicable.
  • Cause of water damage.
  • Approximate time water damage occurred.
  • Is there electricity available on site?

Once our SERVPRO Priority Responder is on-site they will walk you through the entire process of restoring your property while our highly trained technicians get to work quickly working on mitigating damage and restoring your home or business.

What to do about frozen pipes

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

frozen pipes A burst pipe can cause a lot of water damage, so call on our team when you are experiencing the damage in your home or business.

Frozen pipes can cause a lot of issues and cost a lot of money! One pipe burst in a home at 4-8 gallons of water running per minute. This can cause thousands of dollars worth of water damage. If not taken care of and mitigated properly, then this can then lead to mold issues.


  1. Locate and identify any and all shut off valves in the home and make sure they work properly.  (Everyone should know where their "Main Water Valve" is at and how to operate it)
  2. Identify any potential problems. (Areas where pipes are on an outside wall, ceiling, attics, crawl spaces, etc)
  3. Seal any gaps around the home where cold air has a chance to come in contact with pipes.  In extreme cold temperatures, especially wind driven, even a tiny opening can let enough cold in to cause a pipe to freeze. (Dryer vents, windows, cable penetrations, etc.)
  4. Turn off and drain all standard outside hose bibs.

When the temperature is expected to drop:

  1. Open kitchen sink and any vanity doors of the areas that are at risk for problems.
  2. With pipes that are on outside walls that may be a freeze problem, leave a small trickle of both of the hot and cold water running.
  3. Temporarily seal off any crawl space vents that may be around the foundation.
  4. Keep the house warm.

What to do if you experience a frozen pipe: (The first sign of a "frozen" pipe is reduced or no flow at all)

  1. If you experience a "no flow" situation (First turn off the "Main Water Valve" to the house and leave the faucets "open", Second DO NOT use any open flame to attempt to thaw the pipes, Third DO NOT use any electric heater, hair dryer applied directly to the piping as any leaking water may cause electrocution, and Forth turning the water back on is best handled with (2) people.  One person turning on the water SLOWLY and the other walking about the house to be sure no water is running).
  2. Heat and patience is the best way to get frozen pipes thawed out.  We do recommend that if a frozen pipe happens to find the source and correct it so it will not happen again.  (If you were lucky enough for the frozen pipes not bursting this time, you may not be so lucky the next time.)

**Please be advised if the water to your house is shut off, it may also turn off any fire prevention system you may have hooked up to your water

What to do if you leave your home during the winter months:

  1. Turn the Main Water Valve off to your home**
  2. Leave the heat on to the house and set it NO LOWER than 60 degrees.
  3. Have a neighbor stop by daily, especially when the temperatures are in the 20's or lower.

**If your home has "hot water and/or steam heat", the water must remain on even when you are not there. A neighbor stopping by is critical if this applies to you.

The Principles of Drying

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

drying equipment Our team of trained professionals utilize their expertise to make sure your home or business can get back to normal.

The restorative drying process is meant for restoration professionals and is designed to ensure that each component and variable is considered to achieve all drying goals.

Principle 1: Provide for the safety and health workers and occupants

Principle 2: Document and inspect the project

Principle 3: Mitigate further damage

Control the spread of contaminants

Control moisture intrusion

Principle 4: Clean and dry affected areas

Our team uses cleaning procedures whenever soils and debris must be removed to expedite the drying process. Restorative drying for professionals is used to control as many factors as possible to complete the most efficient drying process. Once enough water is extracted, evaporation is enhanced by:

  • Lowering humidity
  • Increasing airflow across wet surfaces
  • Controlling temperature of air and surfaces
  • Using outside air when possible
  • Creating a drying chamber

Principle 5: Complete the restoration and repairs

How To Protect Your Building Envelope

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Envelope of your building Protect your building envelope

3 Steps To Repair The Envelope Of Your Building

Find Moisture Leaks

Wear and tear, damage from pests, missing roof shingles, and sagging doors and windows could all provide a way for moisture to get into your building. A visual inspection may be enough to find out how water is getting into the building. Inspect flashings, edges of doors and walls, expansion joints, and everywhere that one material meets up with another material. Remember that some water damage, such as black mold growth, can't always be found with a visual inspection. Once or twice a year, you should schedule professional inspections.

Contact Repair Professionals

Sometimes property owners are tempted to ignore leaks until substantial problems arise. This can become a very expensive mistake. Instead, it's best to contact professionals with the training and supplies necessary to repair existing rain damage and prevent more water from getting past the building envelope.

Improve Preventative Measures

One area of damage is usually a sign that there's widespread damage. It's rare that one spot of damage is an isolated occurrence. A single gap between the window corner and the exterior wall should prompt you to update the sealing around all of the windows. Make sure that routine maintenance and professional inspections are scheduled consistently throughout the year.

The best way to protect the protective envelope of your building from rain damage is regular inspections and repairs completed by water damage repair and reconstruction professionals. Be proactive when it comes to protecting your building from expensive damage.

The Purpose of Flood Cuts

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO van Heavy storms can lead to severe flooding damage.

When Is a Flood Cut Necessary?

A flood cut is the method the cleanup team uses to tear out materials that can't be salvaged. Technicians will probably need to use a flood cut if the water damage meets certain criteria:

  • High levels of contamination
  • Suspected damage in hard-to-reach areas
  • Compromised structural integrity of the wall

Flooding from a storm almost always leads to a flood cut because the water is contaminated. If the standing water in your home comes from a clean sources, however, technicians may try to save the wall, even if there is a lot of water.

How Is a Flood Cut Measured?

When removing drywall, the mitigation team wants to make sure that it tears out all the damage. Specialists typically make a flood cut at least 12 inches above the spot where the water damage ends. This ensures that any unseen damage is also removed.

What Happens After the Flood Cut Is Made?

Once the cut is made, the technicians remove the drywall. They take out all the damaged material, including any damp insulation behind the wall. Before they rebuild, they have to make sure the area is clean and dry so that no secondary damage occurs.

If a storm causes flooding in your home, it may take more than simply removing the water and wiping down surfaces to complete the repairs. Technicians may have to make flood cuts on your walls to remove all the damage.

3 Tips for Preventing Post Flood Mold

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Mold growth in a Colorado Springs kitchen.

3 Tips for Preventing Post Flood Mold

Thoroughly Dry the Area

The first step to take care of in the event you may have mold damage is to completely dry any area affected by water. In many cases a professional restoration company may use a dehumidifier. Getting rid of the water can help make the area inhospitable to mold spores.

  1. Have an Expert Test for Mold

On some occasions the potential mold growth may not yet be visible. If you believe you may have mold in your home, even after drying and sanitizing the flooded area, then a professional may be able to perform a test. Testing can include taking air samples, pulling a sample from an at-risk material, or taking a surface sample. If mold has been found, then your mold remediation professional can formulate a plan for mold removal.

  1. Clean Any Water Damaged Items

Another common tip for complete mold removal includes thoroughly cleaning any items that may have been affected by the storm damage. Mold spores can grow on any organic material that contains moisture. This can include carpeting, wood, upholstery, and even drywall. Fortunately, there are a number of methods to properly clean and sanitize these items.

Because mold growth usually occurs in damp areas, thoroughly drying any flooded areas can help prevent this type of problem. If you believe mold has already set in you can have a professional test for spores. It is also a good idea to properly clean any items affected by the water damage as well. If you have any questions a professional may be able to help.

What to Do After a Fire

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Board up after suffering fire damage.

Immediately after a fire is a very stressful time. With all of the fire damage and loss, it can difficult to see what to do next. The first thought on most people's minds is to repair the damage, but there are a few things that you should consider doing even before that. The very first thing you should do is call your insurance company. The second is to secure your home.

3 Steps to Follow After a Fire

Secure Your Home

Securing your home does not mean lock your doors. Remember that there could be hundreds of access points after a fire. Between the flames, smoke and the fire department, the damage can be extensive. When you secure your home, you will need to board up holes, windows and doors.
Here's why you need to tarp or board your home:

  • Vacant homes are catnip to vandals and thieves
  • Your insurance may require it
  • Rain, wind and sun can make the damage worse
  • Someone could go in and hurt themselves

You must cover all the exposed areas of your home as soon as possible.

Take an Inventory

When you are allowed back in your home, you will need to take an inventory. Take a look at what you need to throw out and what can be salvaged. Make sure you board up or tarp anything exposed to the elements while you are doing this. It is far easier to assess the damage and cover things that need to be covered simultaneously.

Find a Restoration Company

You should also find a restoration company as soon as you talk to your insurance company. Some companies will even offer emergency board up services if they have to wait to start the repairs and remediation. Some of the reasons they may have to wait are delays with insurance or fire inspectors. This service will reduce the cost of your repairs and help to keep your home safe.

Fires are devastating. Just remember to board up, take inventory and find a remediation company that can help you. These steps can help you avoid any additional damage.

Frequently Lost Items During a Fire

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Damage A fire in your home may not result in a total loss.

List Of Items That Are Frequently Lost During a Fire


The good thing about replacing important documents is that you can find almost all of them online. You likely have digital copies of your income tax records, insurance information and legal documents. However, you need to have hard copies of certain documents:

  • Drivers license
  • Passport
  • Titles and deeds
  • Social security cards
  • Health insurance cards

If these items are listed as part of the fire damage to your home, start the process of replacing them right away.


You will likely need to throw away all food if the fire was anywhere near your kitchen. The refrigerator and freezer may keep food fresh under normal circumstances, but it is unlikely that they were able to withstand the fire's blaze well enough to protect the food inside during a fire. Non-perishable items must be tossed as well. Plastic and cardboard are no match for smoke and soot. Even the food in glass jars and aluminum cans can be spoiled by the high heat of a house fire. It is better to get rid of food altogether than take chances that it has gone bad.


Just as you would not want to consume anything that the fire or extinguishing agents have touched, you also don't want to put anything from the fire on your body. This includes cosmetics, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and hair styling products. It's also necessary to throw away any medication that could have been subject to high temperatures or toxic fumes.

Many items in your home can be salvaged after a fire, but some must be replaced. Mitigation professionals can help you determine what to throw away and what to keep.

Beyond the First Steps of Responding To Burst Pipes

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

pipes break Bursting pipes can cause your business to face days or weeks closed.

4 Further Steps To Respond To Bursting Pipes

1. Locate the Broken Pipe

There may be water still draining from the pipes, but more importantly, you need to know where to fix broken pipe elements. Even a minor crack could lead to a lot of damage, and you may have the skills necessary to prevent further breaks.
Remove Items From the Flooded Area
If it's safe to walk into the flooded room, carry out furnishings, equipment, and other valuable items. You may possibly prevent papers, inventory, and belongings from getting damaged.

2. Record Damages

Carefully make a record of the damage. Use photographs and write down values of damaged items to be sure your insurance claim is accurate.

3. Call Your Insurance Company

There's a good chance that the damage will be covered by the business' insurance policy. The first step in getting your claim moving is contacting your agent. It may be important that an insurance adjuster goes through the building before cleanup and repair professionals get started.

4. Understand the Risk of Mold Growth

Mold growth is a common occurrence after bursting pipes. This is because moisture gets under carpeting and inside the walls. When you hire cleanup technicians to handle repairs, there's a better chance that you'll avoid secondary damage. Be sure you know what to watch out for.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do after managing existing damage is taking steps to prevent bursting pipes in the future. Discuss potential improvements with your custodial staff or local experts.

3 Steps of Roof Restoration

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

roof damage Roof damage

3 Basic Steps to Repair and Restore Your Roof

1. Remove

The first thing experts do is examine the damage. Whether you have missing shingles or just broken or cracked ones, either problem can allow water to seep into your building's interior. As a result, several items may need to be torn out:

  • Roof support beams
  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Ceiling tiles

Removing water damage is vital. Taking care of this step quickly can help you avoid secondary problems such as mold growth. The sooner you call the technicians, the smoother the cleanup process will go.

2. Decontaminate

Flood water, particularly that which has run into your building through a roof leak, is considered contaminated water. It can contain dirt, debris and bacteria. It is necessary, therefore, to not only dry out the affected area but also to disinfect it so that microscopic organisms in the water don't lead to further rot or bad air quality in your building. Technicians may use special machinery and industrial cleaners to sanitize the space.

3. Rebuild

Once all traces of damage and filth are gone, the restoration stage can begin. Specialists rebuild the interior portions that were destroyed, replacing walls, ceilings and insulation. Then they repair the damaged roof so that it can get back to protecting your building.

Even a small roof leak can cause serious damage to your commercial building. A professional team that has the knowledge and experience to handle the cleanup process from removal to restoration is essential for getting your roof back to normal.

How To Protect Your Pipes During Cold Weather

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

pipes break A burst pipe leads to water damage

3 Tips To Avoid Freezing Pipes and Water Damage

1. Prevention

The best way to avoid extensive water damage from frozen pipes is to prevent the issue from happening in the first place. There are a few places in your home where your pipes are the most vulnerable to freezing:

  • Right inside exterior walls
  • Connected to exterior faucets
  • Inside closed cabinets
  • In unheated areas such as attics and crawl spaces

There are several things you can do to prevent pipes from freezing. Insulate your pipes, particularly the ones that are near exterior walls or in spaces cut off from the central heating in your living spaces. You can apply electrical heating tape to pipes as well. Be sure to keep your heater on, even when you are not at home, if temperatures outside are below freezing. During the coldest parts of the day, it's a good idea to open your cabinet doors or allow your water faucets to drip for reliable pipe freeze prevention.

2. Detection

If you can catch a frozen pipe before it bursts, you may be able to save the pipe and the area around it from damage. A telltale sign that you have a frozen pipe is a significantly smaller flow when you turn on a faucet. Turn the faucet off, locate the pipe and slowly warm it up, allowing the ice inside to melt. The faucet should then flow normally again.

3. Solution

A burst pipe leads to water damage that can only be properly repaired by water mitigation experts. The technicians must tear out all ruined materials and rebuild the area affected by the flooding. If your insurance doesn't cover the cost, you may be looking at a lot of out-of-pocket expenses.

These pipe freeze prevention tips can protect your home from water damage. Make pipe protection part of your regular winter maintenance plan.

How To Keep Your Pipes From Freezing

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing

6 Ways To Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing

  1. Let the faucet run overnight

It's true what they say: It's always coldest just before the dawn. If you have pipes that are exposed to the elements, even a tiny trickle of water from a faucet that's connected to those pipes can stop them from freezing if left running overnight.

  1. Shut the garage door

This is especially useful if your garage is home to water supply lines. Keeping the door shut keeps the cold out and the temperature up — at least a little bit.

  1. Open the cabinets under the sink

Leaving the cabinet doors open beneath your kitchen, bathroom, or utility sink allows more of the warm air in your home to reach the pipes and can potentially stop them from freezing.

  1. Keep the temperature in your home consistent

Turning the thermostat down a few degrees before you jump under the covers at night may save you a couple of bucks on your energy bill, but in the winter, that drop in temperature can also lead to freezing and bursting pipes.

  1. Insulate your pipes

Some areas of your home, such as the basement and attic, are naturally colder than the rest of your home. Wrapping the pipes in these areas with insulation can keep them heated enough to avoid freezing over.

  1. Eliminate drafts

Keep your home toasty warm and your pipes thoroughly thawed by making sure the seals around windows and doors are tight. It's also a good idea to inspect your home annually for other cracks and seal them promptly.

Very few people have money conveniently tucked away in a "fix broken pipe" fund. Following these six tips can help eliminate the threat of freezing and bursting pipes, as well as the need to enlist the help of a professional water damage recovery company.

Leaky Pipes, Broken Appliances, and Flooding: Does Your Insurance Cover Damages?

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Water Damage Water damage due to broke pipes are common.

When the spring thaw has caused your pipes to burst and flood the basement or your air conditioner is leaking onto your wood floor, will your insurance company cover the damages? This depends, in part, on your insurance policy. The biggest factor is usually the type of damages:

  • Sudden and Unforeseen Damages are usually covered by homeowners' policies
  • Gradual Damages due to issues such as leaky pipes or a lack of maintenance may not be covered
  • Wear and Tear is nearly always up to the homeowner with very few exceptions

Keep Up With Routine Maintenance

Most of the time, insurance companies expect homeowners to regularly maintain the plumbing systems in their homes. This means taking steps to prevent the pipes from freezing, keeping the pipes free of clogs, and generally responding to any cracks, splits, and leaks. When homeowners don’t respond to leaks, rust, or deterioration, the insurance company is likely to hold the homeowner responsible.

Make a Claim Even If You Aren’t Sure It’s Covered

However, while the damages from a slow leak may not be covered, when leaky pipes become broken pipes and flood your home, the resulting damages fall under your insurance coverage. This type of coverage may be found in the all-perils section of your policy. This shouldn’t be seen as an excuse to avoid routine maintenance; if there’s evidence that neglect is the cause of the leak and/or break, the insurance provider may deny your claim.

Find Out Which Services Are Covered

When your claim is approved, damages to carpeting, floors, and drywall are generally covered. You may also get coverage for the services provided by water damage cleanup and restoration professionals. In some situations, mold prevention services are also covered. However, the cost to fix broken pipe probably won’t be part of this claim.

How Filing an Electronic Insurance Claim Benefits Your Business

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Insurance You can get your business back up and running quickly by filing your insurance claim electronically.

When a fire, flood or other disaster strikes, all you want to do is get your business back to work. Unfortunately, filing an insurance claim takes time. Some claims involve extensive paperwork and time-consuming research. Fortunately, with the advent of electronic claims submission, the process is much easier.

5 Benefits of Filing an Electronic Insurance Claim

1. It Is Faster to File

Electronic claims are generally faster to file. You can simply:

  • Take photos of the damage
  • Log into your insurance companies claim submission site
  • Fill out the claim forms
  • Upload your photos
  • Submit your claim

Paper claim forms can be confusing, the digital versions usually have help files or in some cases, you can chat with a claims representative while you are filing your claim

2. It Is Submitted Directly to the Insurance Company

Claim forms can get lost. They go straight to the insurance company with direct electronic filing without the postal service being in the middle. Your insurance claim cannot get lost in the mail when you file electronically.

3. It Can Be Filled Out and Submitted for You

Many insurance companies recommend having a restoration company, like SERVPRO, submit the claim for you. The cleanup technicians can take pictures, document damage and write down relevant expenses while doing the remediation. It is that simple.

4. It Can Be Accessed From Anywhere

Your claim information is easily accessible from just about anywhere in the world. You can check on it where ever there is an internet connection. It can also be sent anywhere, and your claim documents are already digitized, so if you have to send them elsewhere, you can do it with just a click of a button.

5. It Can Get You a Quick Response

When you use a digital method of filing, the insurance agent is not necessarily involved. The insurance company and adjusters get it directly. You do not have to bring paperwork or file your claim through an agent or agency.

By filing your insurance claim electronically, you can get your business back up and running quickly. These are just a few of the many benefits of electronic filing.

Pumping Out Floodwater From Your Home

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Plumber Contact a local remediation company for help.

Has external flooding resulted in a basement flood? While it is natural to want to remove the water as soon as it accumulates, it is crucial to keep in mind that as long as external flood levels are high, no amount of pumping will eliminate your flooded area. Contact a water mitigation expert for some tips on how to cope with the continuous flooding, and get prepared for how to deal with the aftermath, especially if your insurance coverage is not adequate. There are two things you will need to know about water removal.

2 Things You Need To Know About Water Removal

1. Purchasing or Renting Equipment

You will want to buy a pump for when the flooding recedes outside. However, depending on the depth of the basement flood, you may need to purchase or rent a submersible pump. These pumps have sealed electrical cords and can often connect to regular garden hoses. Keep in mind that the larger the hose, the quicker water is removed. You may also need a generator to run the pump since it is not advisable to use your home's electricity because of the safety risks.

2. Setup and Water Removal

The first thing you will want to do is attach the extension cord to the unit. Make sure to secure the cable above the unit somewhere dry. Most homeowners choose to secure the extension to a ceiling joist or stair rail. Next, you will need to attach the hoses to the unit. Finally, you will want to tie a rope to the unit to allow you to lower it at different depths throughout the removal process.
With everything connected, lower the unit into the water. If the water is only a few inches deep, then you can find the lowest point and place the unit there. However, if the water is a few feet, you may want to start at the highest position. Once in place, plug the unit into the generator to start the pump.

While removing water from your basement flood is easy, the damage may be hard to manage. Contact a local remediation company for help.

SERVPRO: An Exciting Franchise Opportunity

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Consider a SERVPRO franchise for a new business opportunity.

When you're ready to take a new business opportunity, consider a SERVPRO franchise. There are many positive factors to consider:

  • Locally owned
  • Strong corporate support
  • Modern technology
  • Industry recognition

How do these factors make SERVPRO one of the best opportunities for your next business venture? You could ask a local disaster recovery and restoration technician, and you can do some research into local and corporate opportunities.

Local Ownership

When you own a local franchise, you may already have a strong network that includes family, friends, neighbors, and other business owners. You have a working knowledge and familiarity with the storms, disasters, and emergency situations that are most likely to occur in Colorado Springs, CO. Local ownership also means that you can respond quickly when customers need an immediate response.

Strong Corporate Support

SERVPRO has franchises across the country with strong support from corporate headquarters. Corporate teams support franchise owners by facilitating training and sharing requirements from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Corporate representatives help franchise owners maintain a high level of quality for consistency from one franchise to the next.

Modern Technology

In addition to purchasing cutting-edge machinery and cleaning supplies, each SERVPRO franchisee has access to a comprehensive database and information-sharing software system that connects all franchise owners with insurance agents and other professionals.

Industry Recognition

SERVPRO is recognized as one of the top disaster recovery and restoration franchise companies in the country. This recognition comes from Entrepreneur's Franchise 500 List and from IICRC, the industry certification leader. Corporate representatives and franchise owners work hard to maintain compliance with the highest industry standards for restoration and safety results. Each technician is certified to provide top quality results.

Available Opportunities

A SERVPRO franchise is a solid business investment based on several appealing factors. Reach out to company representatives to learn more about the opportunities open in your area. This may be a great time for you to take a new step forward.

SERVPRO Technicians Remediate Many Types of Damage After a Fire

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen Fire Kitchen fire damage happens everyday in homes around the country. If a fire gets out of control, contact SERVPRO after the firefighters leave.

SERVPRO Technicians Remediate Many Types of Damage After a Fire

Fire damages not only the structure and contents of your home, but the event can be frightening and affects your sense of refuge and safety. Homeowners who face the chaos after a fire need the compassion and experience an established leader in the remediation industry brings to the scene of their disaster.
Just a few minutes of inattention can result in kitchen fire damage in Sooland from an overheated pan bursting into flames in your residence. Smoke and soot fill that room and move through your home very quickly. Even if you have a functioning fire extinguisher nearby, it takes a few minutes to find and engage it to extinguish the flames, permitting the substances created by the combustion to spread in the meantime. Once the fire is out, you now confront the chemical residue from the extinguisher in addition to the damage from the fire itself. Highly skilled and IICRC trained abatement technicians employ effective strategies to clean all surfaces coated with fire damage and chemical residues.
SERVPRO fire damage remediation crew members swiftly assess the damage to the kitchen and the rest of your home. A seasoned manager devises a plan accounting for all the tasks needed to clean the walls, ceilings, floors, appliances, furnishings, and other surfaces soiled or otherwise harmed by the fire and its extinguishing. The team matches appropriate cleaning solutions and tools to the residues throughout all spaces in your dwelling.
Ash and light, dry soot respond well to cleaning techniques like vacuuming, with HEPA filter equipped models, and dry sponging. Stickier coatings require wisely chosen cleansers or solvents sprayed on the damaged surfaces and then wiped or scrubbed clean. Fixtures or objects featuring intricate details like blinds or chandeliers may require immersion cleaning. SERVPRO workers are familiar with a broad range of methods that leave the structure and contents or your home cleaned and refreshed after fire damage.
An inspection and cleaning of the HVAC system in your fire-damaged home may be recommended by SERVPRO if the fire blazed and smoked near open vents. This step helps assure that the cleaning done eliminates as much of the fire damage residue as possible and prevents the continuous spread of hidden soot when heating and cooling occurs.
Rely on SERVPRO of Sooland to respond to your fire damage remediation needs with professionalism and empathy. One call to (712) 274-2416 delivers the help you need fast any hour of the day or night.

ERP- Emergency Ready Profile

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

As many as 50% of businesses many never recover following a disaster. A fire to a business is devastating and can cause it to completely to shut down. It is said as many as one in four business that suffer is some kind of major disaster do not reopen afterward. However, the ones that do survive usually have a preparedness plan in place. One-way SERVPRO helps business be prepared is with the ERP profile.

Is your business Ready? With SERVPRO's Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) you can make your business ready. The ERP is at no cost to you, and it's a guide to help you get your business back and ready to go after any disaster. It provides the critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services. It's considered a quick reference of all your building and contact information. With this plan you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action, knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is key to timely mitigation and how water or fire damage can affect your business. SERVPRO is a leader in water and fire damage response and can help you quickly get your property back in working order. Don't hesitate, just contact to set an appointment to get your free ERP.

The SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile Advantage

  • A no cost assessment of your facility.
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency.
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.
  • Establishes your local SERVPRO Franchise Professional as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider.
  • Identification of the lone of command for authorizing work to begin.
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.

Covid Cleaning for Businesses- Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned seal Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Covid cases are still going up in our communities and it is important to do everything we can to slow the spread. This has been something that we have been dealing with for most of the year, but we can’t stop taking precautions just yet. As a community we have to step up to do everything we can, this includes wearing masks, cleaning/sanitizing business and restaurants, and social distancing as much as possible. One-way SERVPRO is trying to help during this pandemic is by offering Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, our new defensive pathogen cleaning program, goes way beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices. This is proactive viral pathogen cleaning. With over 50 years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust SERVPRO of Omaha Northwest Professionals to bring a higher standard of clean to the places we gather.

So how does it work? It’s grounded in our unique 3 C’s:

Consult: Not all businesses are the same, so we’ll tailor a bespoke cleaning program based on the unique needs of each facility.
Clean: Based on the agreed plan, an expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions and always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.
Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers and community.
So when you see the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned shield, you can walk in with confidence. Because you’ll know the #1 choice in clean up and restoration was there.

Water Damage Remediation Process at Your Home

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Water Damage Leaking water heater

When pipes or a sump pump fails, or a bathtub overflows, rooms in your Sooland home can accumulate several inches or more of water quickly, filling surrounding wall spaces or other extended areas as well. In cases like this, you will need professional assistance. A significant amount of unwanted water requires powerful equipment and skilled operators to extract. We offer both the equipment and the certified work crews to remove water fast, no matter the source.
A common scenario is an aging water heater that cracks, pouring 50 gallons of hot water into your utility room. You may not realize it until you notice no water is coming from the hot water tap and investigate. Meanwhile, the water continues to run, accumulate and spread. Emergency water removal services from an experienced Sooland water damage restoration firm are necessary to remediate this situation. With SERVPRO's nearly 50 years in the business, engaging one of our crews is a solid choice for speedy resolution of your problem.
SERVPRO is a leader in the water damage restoration industry, staffed with highly qualified technicians and offering the latest in industrial strength equipment. Our team and truck will arrive ready to start the necessary work, with submersible pumps and powerful extractors.  Lack of electrical power is also a common problem when your home is several inches deep in water, but we bring the power with us.
An experienced project manager will assess your plight and soon the crew will commence pumping and extracting the water. Sometimes paints and other chemicals stored near the heater taint the water. SERVPRO has considerable familiarity with potentially contaminated water and collects and disposes of contaminated water according to waste disposal laws and guidelines.
After extracting standing water from the floors, our team continues to search for pockets of trapped moisture. Foundations and basements are often made of cinder block which can trap water in hidden cells. Partitions, drywall, and paneling also hold water, but we use penetrating and non-penetrating moisture meters as well as infrared detection to identify unseen, trapped moisture. Drywall may have to be partially removed.  Extraction can also take place from above, or through holes drilled through wallboard or mortar joints to release water for removal.
The final step in a water removal and remediation process is choosing appropriate drying method to avoid secondary damage such as mold growth, crumbling building materials, and warped floors or supportive structures. SERVPRO crews use high-efficiency air movers, dehumidifiers, and injection drying systems to reduce moisture to normal levels.
SERVPRO of Sooland has the trained staff, equipment, and experience to remove water in your home quickly and efficiently. Call (712) 274-2416 to have a remediation team scheduled to begin work as soon as possible.

Why SERVPRO for Mold Remediation Services

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

mold This picture is showing what mold would look like inside of a home

There are many different types of molds and they can occur both indoors and outdoors. Molds are a form of fungus and they thrive in environments that are moist and warm and can grow on almost any material. Some common indoor molds include Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Alternaria. Mold tends to have a rough or fuzzy appearance depending on what kind of mold and what surface it is growing on, and it can also be a variety of colors as well.

  • Penicillium mold tends to grow on materials with water damage and it usually has a blue or green appearance
  • Aspergillus mold grows on materials such as drywall
  • Cladosporium tends to grow on fabrics and it can grow in either cool or warm environments
  • Alternaria occurs in damp warm places such as bathroom shower or under a sink

Mold Remediation and Restoration

Permitting mold growth to continue ultimately results in structural damage, ruined personal belongings, and the risk of health effects. SERVPRO of Sooland takes note of the stress and anxiety of finding a mold infestation in your home. We train our technicians comprehensively concerning mold remediation techniques, employing the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC) curriculum and or SERVPRO Employee Certification Training Program (ECTP), the industry’s standard.

The crews we dispatch to assess and respond to mold damage complaints hold Applied Microbial Remediation certification. Protocols used were developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and demonstrate success in abating current mold damage and limiting future problems. We want to set our customers’ minds at ease concerning our reputation as qualified mold remediation experts in the Sooland region.

Things to Check after a Storm

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Storm restoration Storm damage

Storms bring heavy winds and rain, and can cause thousands in damage. After a big storm, it is advisable that you check around your property to see what has been damaged. Some things, if left unattended, can cause further damage. These are the locations we recommend checking:

  • Roof-Check for broken or missing shingles. The shingles are overlapped to help waterproof your roof. Without these shingles, your roof is vulnerable to water damage and if the water does get into your roof, it can cause mold. 
  • Gutters- Are your gutters draining properly? If they are clogged, water can seep into your roof or walls, which can be a costly fix. 
  • Basement- If the rains were heavy, it could overwhelm your sump pump and cause a flood in your basement. 

Storms can be scary, but the aftermath can be even scarier and costly. Be proactive after a storm to help avoid any water damage. 

SERVPRO Tips-Let's Get The House Ready for Winter

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Winter weather causes $1 billion in insured losses every year. With these tips, SERVPRO of Sooland hopes to help you avoid these losses. 

  • Protect indoor pipes- There is an entire blog post about this, but I wanted to touch upon it again, because it’s very important. A burst pipe can cause $5,000 or more in damage. Protect your pipes by insulating them with foam rubber or fiberglass sleeves. Consider focusing on areas like the basement, where 37% of burst pipes occur. 
  • Insulate your attic or crawl space- A lot of heat can escape through these locations if there is no insulation. There are many different sources online that can inform exactly which kind of insulation to use and how much is appropriate for the location. 
  • Service your chimney or furnace- The biggest cause of house fires are heating equipment, such as space heaters, chimneys and fireplaces. They should be serviced and inspected annually before use to guarantee their safety. 
  • Repair loose roofing shingles- Have a contractor do inspections and repairs before the first snow. Without these repairs, the moisture from the snow could leak into the house causing water damage. 
  • Inspect and clean gutters- Clogged gutters can cause backups and then freeze once temperatures drop. This can cause issues with water drainage, which can lead to water damage in the home. 
  • Secure outdoor water sources- Drain and store hoses before the first frost to prevent the water inside the hose freezing. Also, shut off the water supply to the hose bibs to avoid any water leakage. 

SERVPRO of Sooland reminds you to take care of any home issues before winter to be able to enjoy a nice, safe winter.

All About SERVPRO's Commercial Services

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland means business when it comes to our commercial clients. We are able to perform a wide array of tasks for our clients and their businesses. Today, we’ll go ahead and highlight some of the tasks that SERVPRO can provide for your business. 


A well cleaned workspace invigorates employees and impresses customers and guests. SERVPRO is well equipped and trained to clean your commercial building. We specialize in deep cleaning carpets among other services like cleaning walls, surfaces, and upholstery. We are also able to handle cases of vandalism and deodorization. 


During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are able to disinfect commercial buildings including high touch office areas like bathrooms and kitchens. The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims.

Flood/Water/Fire Damage 

The majority of work SERVPRO does is cleanup from damage caused by floods, water or fire. We handle these damage cases in homes and commercial businesses. No job is too large! We understand that these things happen quickly and can cause interruptions to your business, so we have 24 hour emergency services. 

Emergency Ready Profile (ERP)

We are proud of our ERP work. An ERP involves a no cost assessment of your facility and a concise Profile Document that contains critical information needed in an emergency. It creates a plan of action that can get you back into your business as soon as possible. It also establishes SERVPRO of Sooland as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider. The document will also provide facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas, and priority contact information. An ERP is a great tool that prepares your business for any emergency. 

If you need or would like any of these above services, please call SERVPRO of Sooland!

Top Benefits of Professional Office Cleaning

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

With many employees and customers coming in and out of the office, dust, mud and germs can easily affect your workspace. A professional cleaning of your office can have many benefits. We’ll touch upon some of the benefits in this blog post! 

First and foremost, a high quality carpet cleaning can help remove dust, which will help with the air quality in the office. Professionally cleaning the carpet will also help remove any dirt that was embedded into the fibers of the carpet. Cleaning any upholstered office furniture could also help remove any dust. With removing the dust from the office, respiratory health of employees and customers will improve. To even further the health of employees, sanitization of high touch areas is also recommended. Germs are easily spread through these areas, like door knobs or keyboards.

Having a clean office space looks more professional as well. The clean floors and furniture look inviting and are excellent marketing tools. The tidy workspace exudes the idea that you value your employees and customers. 

Lastly, and importantly, your employees will be happier with clean workspaces. SERVPRO of Sooland would be happy to assist you with any office cleanings! 

SERVPRO of Sooland for Your Mold Problem

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

Discovering mold in your house can be unsettling. Many people's first thought is how they can get rid of the mold without using a remediation company. While it seems like it could be a quick, easy way to remove the mold, many problems can arise from amateur clean up of mold. The most common problems are: 

  1. Creating a larger problem-Mold can spread easily and most amateurs won't have access to the appropriate equipment and will actually spread the mold, making the problem even larger. 
  2. Bringing over contaminants into your home- Mold remediation companies have equipment that is specifically made to get rid of mold. One major one is an air filtration device that prevents contaminants from getting into your home. Without this device, the contaminants will spread. 
  3. Experiencing health effects from mold-This is another benefit of equipment. Mold spores can cause health effects, but mold remediation experts have the proper protective equipment that helps them avoid these effects. 

As you can see, using a professional to get rid of mold in your home can be extremely beneficial. SERVPRO of Sooland is an expert in mold remediation and always willing to help! If you discovered mold in your home, please call 1-712-274-2416.

SERVPRO of Sooland Top 10 Fire Hazards in the Home

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

Flames coming out of roof Flames coming out of roof

While the expert team of SERVPRO of Sooland is here to help if you experience a fire disaster below you will find the top 10 Fire Hazards in the Home.

1. Electrical Outlet Issues

The top cause of House Fires in the United States stem from issues with electrical outlets. In 2020, we are using more electronic devices than ever, and doing so we oftentimes are using too many on a single outlet. To help prevent fires be sure to not exceed your voltage on a single outlet in your home.

2. Outdated Home Wiring

Household wiring should be checked routinely to avoid circumstances that trigger major fire damage in your home. Often times wiring that is outdated, worn, or even compromised from animals can cause fire hazards in and outside your home.

3. Decorative Lights

With Halloween and Christmas right around the corner, be sure to take the proper precaution when using decorative lights including outside lights, plugs, surge protectors, extension cords, and turning off your Christmas Tree Lighting when you are not home to minimize risks.

4. Hair Products

When in a rush, do not forget to unplug your styling products. A simple mistake can result in huge damages. Make sure that your curling iron and hair dryers are off and placed on heatproof material to help reduce the chances of a fire.

5. Toasters

Proper care of your toaster can help to prevent house fires. Crumbs inside the toaster can be dangerous as they can cause sparks which leads to hazardous problems in the kitchen. Make sure to clean your toaster routinely.

6. Candles

We all love candles and aromas however we need to be cautious of placement and be sure to put them out prior to going to bed or leaving the house. Always try to place candles in holders that prevent them from falling on surfaces or tabletops.

7. Washer & Dryers

Washer and Dryers are a leading cause of fires. Routine maintenance and cleaning can help to prevent fire hazards by cleaning filters and vents as well as the outside vents of the home.

8. Smoking

If you are a smoker or someone smokes in the home, try to do so outside. Always keep lighters and matchsticks out of reach of your children as this is one of the top causes of home fires.

9. Dust in Electric Sockets

This is a recurring process as the dust piles inside electrical sockets and if not cleaned regularly may ignite and result in fire hazards.

10. Electric Blankets

While they do wonders to keep us warm in the winter, Electric Blankets can cause fires. Be sure to use an electric blanket that doesn’t have too much wear and tear. When not in use, do not fold the blankets as it helps prevent electrical issues that lead to fire hazards.

Should you experience Home Fire Damage, let the experts at SERVPRO of Sooland help restore your home “Like it never even happened.” With our 24/7 emergency dispatch, we will have someone on-site quickly to access the damage and help you in your time of need.

Restores after a Flood?

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding Flooding in home

When a flood happens inside your home, there are many different areas of the home that can be affected. Water damage from floods can destroy your home’s structure, carpet, flooring, and more. Electrical problems often occur after home flooding and there are many steps that need to be taken to start repairing the damage the flood has caused. See the steps that SERVPRO takes to restore properties.

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

We understand that water damage can come at any time so we’re ready to field your emergency call 24/7 to ensure a timely response. Once receiving your call, our specialists are trained to ask you several simple questions that will help us understand what needs to be done to your property.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

Once we have all of the information we need, our team will arrive promptly at your property to assess the water damage personally to determine the best course of action. During this assessment, our team will check the moisture levels of your property, survey any damages that may have occurred, and identify the types of water present in the area.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

Depending on the amount of water that makes up your flooded space, our team may use powerful submersible pumps in addition to industrial strength, wet/dry vacuums. We also use a variety of water extraction equipment such as moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters to measure the extent of moisture saturation in your space along with truck-mounted and portable extraction units that perform efficient water removal.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

After taking careful measurements to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers to dry your home or business., the SERVPRO team will dry and dehumidify your space. While the space is drying, our team will check the moisture levels of all pertinent floors and walls to monitor the drying process so that swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture doesn’t happen.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

Our team understands that even if the water is out, you still aren’t out of the woods when it comes to water damage odor removal, and deodorization. Our technical expertise and industrial-grade air scrubbers and fogging equipment go well beyond simply masking odors. Depending on the scenario, we may use antimicrobial, antibacterial, or disinfectant treatments to clean your property. Furthermore, we will remove and dispose of damaged materials with guidance from you and your insurance adjuster.

Step 6 - Restoration

Restoration is the final step in the equation. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business. If you’re looking for someone to simplify the restoration process by handling both the initial water damage mitigation and rebuilding the affected areas, then look to the team at SERVPRO.

Choosing SERVPRO for your Water Damage Restoration Needs

The best part about sticking with SERVPRO is that you can rest assured that every team member has extensive water damage restoration training that helps you get back to normal more quickly. Their dedication to responding immediately to water emergencies lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces your costs. Make sure to call SERVPRO of Sooland at 712-274-2416 if you’re in need of water damage restoration following a flood.

SERVPRO of Sooland Restoration after Water Damage

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

water leak Water leaked and caused damage

While we depend on water to live, and to cool us down on those hot summer days, when water damages our homes and property, it needs to be addressed and resolved quickly to avoid further damage. One of the most damaging and devastating things you can ever experience is water in your home. Thankfully though, no matter how bad and extensive the water damage is, there are restoration steps on how to deal with flood damage and how to find Water Damage in South Nashville once you’ve found water damage.

The Goal of Water Damage Restoration

The goal of restoration is to make your home look like there never was any damage. Any walls that were taken out must be rebuilt, but the process isn’t complete until the aesthetics of the rebuilt area matches the wall around it. Carpet restoration after water damage works the same way. The part that cannot be saved must be cut away, but if no match can be made, you may consider replacing the whole carpet in order to fully restore your space.

Safety First

The most important step in any major home disaster like flooding and water damage is to make sure you and your family are safe. There are several things you can do to stay safe in your home. Before trying to restore your property from water damage, be sure to turn off the power. Do not reenter a flooded home before turning the electricity off; that’s just asking for trouble.

Water Restoration Solutions

Ultimately, the severity of the water damage will largely reflect the amount of restoration that needs to be performed. In some cases, setting up air movers and dehumidifiers on the property is enough to adequately dry the property out. In other cases, drywall will need to be cut out, carpeting and carpet padding removed, and antimicrobials applied to prevent subsequent mold growth.

However extensive your water damage is, it’s important to call SERVPRO of Sooland at 712-274-2416 for a consultation today before the water damage gets worse.

Why SERVPRO is The Best Choice This Holiday Season

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

We all have that memory where either a pipe burst or something was left on the stove for too long.  With the holidays just around the corner, SERVPRO of Sooland wants to ensure that you and your family have an unforgettable holiday season.  We know this time of year is very fast paced, from picking friends and relatives up from the airport, shopping for presents, hiding the presents from the kids, to decorating and cooking.   In the spirit of the holidays, some things that may be overlooked could become a hazard. SERVPRO of Sooland has a few tricks up our Christmas sweater sleeve that we want to share with you!

  1. Never connect more than three strings of incandescent lights.  More than that may not only blow a fuse but can also cause a fire.
  2. Keep living trees fresh by watering daily.  Dry trees are a serious fire hazard.
  3. When decorating use battery powered candles. Candles start almost have of home decoration fires
  4. Stay in the kitchen when something is cooking.  Unattended cooking equipment is the leading cause of home cooking fires.
  5. Turn off, unplug, and extinguish all decorations when going to bed or leaving the house.  Unattended candles are the cause of one in five home candle fires. Half of home fire deaths occur between 11pm and 7am. 

Most losses that happen are unexpected, so even following the steps above doesn’t guarantee that a pipe won’t burst or a fire won’t start, but here at SERVPRO of Sooland we understand that and want to be the first one you call.  We offer our services 24/7, 365 days of the year! For all losses, give us a call and we promise to schedule a meeting promptly as well as communicate everything happening! Give us a call at 712-274-2416.

Happy Holidays, we hope SERVPRO of Sooland made your nice list!

It's Candle Fire Season!

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

Be Cautious When Using Candles

Yes, that soft light and aromatic fragrances that fill the room from a lit candle can be an easy way to create the atmosphere that you want in your home. However, candles can also become a safety hazard if they are not used properly. Candle fires are common, but the following tips can help you avoid them.

1. Don’t Leave Burning Candles Unattended:
It may seem like an annoyance to extinguish a candle every time you leave the room. However, leaving it burning could result in a candle fire if something gets too close to the flame or if it burns too low. It is best to blow out candles before going to bed at night, even if the candle is in the same room you sleep in..

2. Keep Them Away From Flammable Items:
When you are using a candle, you should be sure to have the area free of flammable objects. This can include papers as well as fabrics such as curtains and bedding. These types of items should be at least a foot away from any candles that are in use. Flammable liquids should be kept even further away.

3. Keep Them Out of Reach of Pets and Children:
Both children and pets often come with an excess of energy and curiosity. For this reason, it can be easy for them to inadvertently start a candle fire. Keep burning candles in an area that are not within reach of a child or pet, especially unsupervised!

4. Use an Alternative:
Perhaps the easiest way to prevent a is simply not to use candles at all. There are a variety of other ways that you can achieve a more relaxing home environment. If you are only interested in adding a nice scent to your home, a wax warmer is a great option. One great option is a diffuser. Diffusers are a great alternative to candles and make you house smell fantastic!

While these tips can help you prevent an emergency, accidents can still occur. Whether it is small or large, fires often require smoke cleanup and some repairs. If this happens, a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help return your home to its preloss condition making it "Like it never even happened."

What is Ozone?

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

If you have ever had a fire on your property and had SERVPRO come out to restore, you will know what an ozone generator is. For those who have not, an ozone generator is a machine that charges the air around it creating O3 out of the O2 molecules we breathe.

What We Use Ozone For

The primary function that we use an ozone generator for is the eliminate odors, especially odors caused by fires. We can use this technique of odor removal in many different cases such as, clothing, furniture, and entire rooms no matter the size. While the odor removal works great, there is a downside to using ozone in excess.

Precautions to Ozone

As stated earlier, ozone is different from the air we breathe. This reaction makes O3 poisonous if it is ingested in excess. This is why we close off the area that is being deodorized during the process. You can trust that we take every precaution necessary to keep our customers and employees safe.

Tree Safety

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

The Christmas season is in full swing. During this time each year, the traditional Christmas tree fills the family room surrounded by presents. BE CAREFUL - Christmas tree fires are infrequent, but they can happen. Listed below are a few good measures that will help ensure your home’s safety:

• Make sure you pick a healthy tree; trees with brown needles indicate dryness.
• Make sure your tree is placed in a sturdy stand to prevent it from falling over.
• Make sure your stand has an adequate basin for water.
• Make sure to check and water your tree daily.
• Check your lights to make sure they are fire resistant and supported by a national testing organization.
• Keep your trees a safe distance from any heat source.
• Make sure that the lights and any extension cords used are in good working condition; look for and replace damaged wires.
• Check all the bulbs to make sure they are working properly.
• Make sure you have adequate smoke alarms in the area and they are working properly.

The SERVPRO of Sooland team wants to ensure that everyone has a safe and joyous season. In the unlikely event that a fire were to occur, know that the SERVPRO team has your back!

Winter Storm Hazards

10/30/2020 (Permalink)

Winter Storms Give us a call, we will assess the situation "Like it never even happened."

Many destructive impacts can come out of a single winter storm. Are you prepared for the coming winter? The array of hazards that can come from a winter storm are sometimes countless.

  • Ice: Accumulations of a half inch or more, because of it's weight can cause widespread destruction and power outages and can have a crippling impact. 
  • Wet Snow: Much like ice accumulation, wet snow adds extra weight and stress, increasing the chance of damage. Moist snow sticks easily to trees and power lines.
  • Snow on Roofs: Several feet from one or multiple storms accumulating on a roof can add stress, causing them to collapse.
  • Flooding After the Snow: A rapid warm-up or rain following a winter storm with an expansive snow pack can set the stage for major flooding.

Melting snow and ice after a storm can also cause damage to the inside of your home or business. Call the professionals at SERVPRO of Sooland to assess the situation and put you to Pre-Winter condition, "Like it never even happened."

Call us at 712.274.2416

Tips on extinguishing a Grease Fire

10/30/2020 (Permalink)

grease fire Be careful while cooking

Cooking is the number one cause in home fires and injuries. Annually, there are 160,000 cooking fires caused by ignition of food or cooking materials.

Knowing how to smother a grease fire can help keep you, your family, and friends from getting hurt or having a severe house fire.

If A Grease Fire Starts:

  1. Cover the flames with a metal lid or cookie sheet. Leave the cover on until it has cooled.
  2. Turn off the heat source.
  3. If it’s small and manageable, pour baking soda or salt on it to smother the fire.
  4. As a last resort, spray the fire with a Class B dry chemical fire extinguisher.
  5. Do not try to extinguish the fire with water.
  6. Do not attempt to move the pot or pan outside.

DO NOT use flour, baking powder, or other cooking powders that resemble baking soda or salt. They act differently, and could make the fire worse.

If You Are Unable To Extinguish The Grease Fire:

  1. GET OUT!! You need to leave as soon as possible to prevent injury or loss of life
  2. When you leave, close the door behind you. This will help contain the fire inside.
  3. When you get to a safe distance from the fire, call 911 right away.
  4. Don’t re-enter your home until it has the “all clear” from the fire department.

Tips To Prevent Grease Fires:

  1. Stay in the kitchen while you’re cooking. One of the leading causes of kitchen fires is unattended cooking.
  2. Don’t cook if you’re exhausted or inebriated.
  3. Keep anything that can catch on fire away from your stovetop.
  4. Remove as much moisture from the food, and don’t add frozen foods to hot oil.
  5. Keep an eye on the temperature of your oil. If you see smoke or smell oil that means your oil is too hot. Turn off the burner and let it cool down.
  6. Heat the oil slowly.
  7. Add food gently, so there is no splashing.
  8. Keep a lid in arms reach in case of a fire.
  9. Always keep children and pets away from the stove while cooking.

SERVPRO of Kearney and North Platte is a pro at cleaning after a fire damage

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Cleanup - image of fire with SERVPRO logo SERVPRO Fire Damage

If you have a fire in your home or business, allow SERVPRO of Kearney & North Platte to help.  Smoke and soot can damage the structure and the contents of your space.  Our technicians are trained to assess the structure and contents and use their training to create a scope of work to get your home or business cleaned and back to preloss condition.

When it comes to cleaning smoked-damaged contents after a residential or commercial fire, the variety of contents in a typical job requires restorers to utilize a variety of cleaning methods.

Here is a quick description of each method of content cleaning:

  • Dry Cleaning - Removes light to medium nongrease-based soils.
  • Wet Cleaning - Removes moderate to heavy residues. The process involves cleaning using water, with or without a cleaning agent.
  • Spray and Wipe - Apply a cleaning product using a spray bottle. After spraying, wipe the surface with a clean white towel. This method is effective for materials possibly damaged if saturated with cleaning product.
  • Foam Cleaning - Effective for light residues or delicate materials. Clean with the foam of a cleaning agent rather than the liquid
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Agitates the surface being cleaned. Apply a cleaning product containing abrasive ingredients
  • Immersion Cleaning - Dipping contents items into a bath of cleaning product. This bath is an ultrasonic tank filled with water and cleaning solution. High-frequency sound waves then create high temperatures and microscopic jet streams of fluid to agitate and scrub contents.

SERVPRO recommends that you DO NOT attempt to clean smoke-damaged surfaces or contents yourself, and call the professionals at 308-535-1115

Sources of Fire to Watch Out For

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

flames Don't Get Burned!

Sources of Fire to Watch Out For

Whether you live in a house, trailer, or an apartment, you are always at risk for a fire, or smoke damage. It’s a good idea to know what some of the main sources are.

  1. Cooking equipment – Cooking is one of the leading causes of house fires. When you get a pan of oil or grease too hot on the stove, it makes it very flammable and it can flash. Holiday cooking is another cause. When cooking during the holidays you’re preparing multiple dishes at once, while entertaining guests at the same time. If you’re not paying attention, a simple mistake such as laying a towel too close to the stove flame can cause a fire. Another source would be kitchen appliances, such as crockpots, toasters, and griddles. An electrical short from a damaged cord, or putting a hot appliance away before it has fully cooled, can cause damage.
  2. Candles – If a candle is allowed to burn too closely to curtains or flammable items, they could catch on fire. Also, leaving candles burning unattended can lead to a mishap.
  3. Smoking – If a cigarette or cigar is not completely snuffed out, the embers could still be a risk to ignite a fire.
  4. Children playing with fire – Most children are curious with fire, and what can cause it. They see someone light a match, or a lighter, or even the gas stove, they want to get ahold of it and light it themselves. Because they don’t understand the risk of what could happen, sometimes an accidental fire can happen.
  5. Barbeque – During the summer, there is a lot more outdoor cooking. Most outdoor cooking is done on a gas appliance, or using a charcoal or wood fire. You never want to leave a grill unattended on a wooden porch. And it is important to avoid grilling too closely to a house or fence.
  6. Wiring – When it comes to the wiring in your home, you don’t want to take any short cuts. It should be up to date, and installed by a professional. Overheating or an electrical short can quickly start a fire inside the walls of your home.
  7. Christmas tree – The Christmas tree is everyone’s favorite, whether it’s a real tree or artificial. If it’s a real tree, you want to make sure that the stand is full of water so the tree doesn’t dry out. With both artificial and natural trees, placing them too close to a heat source (such as a fireplace or baseboard heater) can be a fire hazard.
  8. Heating Equipment – During winter, it is a common practice to use a space heater to warm up a cold area in a house, or to add heat to a garage. It is critical that space heaters are kept a safe distance from any combustible materials. Walls, clothes, curtains, and furniture can ignite if they are too close to a space heater. The same holds true for electric baseboard heat registers. A safe radius of at least six inches from the front and sides of the unit should be kept clear of any combustible materials.

Some fires are accidental and beyond your control. But most can be easily prevented through basic safety precautions. Always be aware of the steps you can take to prevent a fire.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Flood Alerts

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

car driving through flood waters Flood Advisory: Be Aware

Flood Alerts

When it comes to weather alerts, there is always confusion on what flood watch, flood warning, and flood advisories, and flash flood warning mean. It’s good to know the difference so you can take the appropriate course of action for each event. According to the National Weather Service, here is the meaning of each of these alerts.

Flash Flood Warning: Take Action! A flash flood warning is issued when a flash flood is imminent or occurring. If you’re in a flood prone area, move immediately to higher ground. A flash flood is sudden and violent, and it could take anywhere from minutes to hours to develop. It’s even possible to experience a flash flood in areas not immediately receiving rain.

Flood Warning: Take Action! A flood warning is issued when the hazardous weather event is imminent or already happening.

Flood Watch: Be Prepared: A flood watch is issued when conditions are favorable for a specific hazardous weather event to occur. A flood watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It does not mean that flooding will occur, but it is possible.

Flood Advisory: Be Aware: A flood advisory is issued when a specific weather event that is forecast to occur may become a nuisance. A flood advisory is issued when flooding is not expected to be bad enough to issue a warning. However, it may cause significant inconvenience, and if caution is not exercised, it could lead to situations that may threaten life and/or property.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

SERVPRO and the Hospitality Industry

6/2/2020 (Permalink)

AT SERVPRO of Sooland we understand that keeping your guests satisfied is your top priority, and you can rest assured that you are ours.  When disaster strikes at a hospitality facility, the help of a specialized team is critical in assuring that normal operations resume as quickly and safely as possible.

Whether the cause is a coat hanger on a sprinkler head or a natural disaster, we work to efficiently isolate the damaged area so that basic functions can continue normally, and guests can enjoy your services with minimal impact.  Our professionals are trained to work with your management and maintenance teams to prioritize spaces and make sure that all areas are restored to your complete satisfaction. Our experience in the hospitality industry has given us the ability to provide a variety of detailed services for the following hospitality facilities:

  • Hotels
  • Convention Centers
  • Casinos
  • Resorts
  • Entertainment Venues
  • Banquet Halls

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Extension Cords Useful or Hazard??

5/13/2020 (Permalink)

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that each year, about 4,000 injuries associated with electric extension cords are treated in hospital emergency rooms. About half of the injuries involve fractures, lacerations, contusions or sprains from people tripping over extension cords. CPSC also estimates that about 3,300 residential fires originate in extension cords each year, killing 50 people and injuring about 270 others. The most frequent causes of such fires are short circuits, overloading, damage and/or misuse of extension cords. The Do's Don'ts of using an extension cord. Do's 

  •          Use extension cords only when necessary and only on a temporary basis.
  •          Use extension cords that are the correct size or rating for the equipment in use. The diameter of the extension cord should be the same or greater than the cord of the equipment in use.
  •                   Keep electrical cords away from areas where they may be pinched and areas where they may pose a tripping or fire hazard (e.g., doorways, walkways, under the carpet, etc.).
  •          Always inspect the cord prior to use to ensure the insulation is not cut or damaged, exposed conducting wires can put you at risk for fire, burns, and electrical shock.   Discard damaged cords, cords that become hot, or cords with exposed wiring.


  •          Do not use extension cords in place of permanent wiring.
  •          Never unplug an extension cord by pulling on the cord; pull on the plug. 
  •          Do not remove the prongs of an electrical plug. If plug prongs are missing, loose, or bent, replace the entire plug.
  •          Do not use an adapter or extension cord to defeat a standard grounding device. (e.g., only place three-prong plugs in three-prong outlets; do not alter them to fit in a two-prong outlet.)         
  •          Do not run cords above ceiling tiles or through walls.

      Extended exposure to outdoor conditions can cause cords to deteriorate, so whether they're rated for indoors or outdoors, store all extension cords inside when they’re not in use. Regardless of whether or not it's being used, as long as a power extension cord is plugged into an outlet, it's conducting electricity. To avoid potential safety hazards, always remember to unplug extension cords when they're not in use!  

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

We are Cleaning Experts

3/16/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff performs on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274.2416



Fire Drills

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

Fire drills are not just for schools, they should be completed by businesses and families alike. It is crucial to the safety of all that everyone knows more than one way out of the building or home, the designated meeting spot a safe distance from the structure where a headcount can be taken to inform first responders of anyone left in the building and what to do should they not be able to have an escape route. We like to suggest that customers regularly perform a “fire drill” so that everyone knows what to do and how to keep themselves and others safe. If disaster should strike your home, we are ready 24/7, 365 at (712) 274-2416 to help walk with you through the cleanup and repairs to help you make it “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Understanding Fire and What to Remember

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Sooland, we understand the devastation fires can have on homes and businesses. We also understand the devastation and the struggle of trying to build your life back up after your home or business sustains fire damage.

Preparedness advocacy is a large part of what we do here at SERVPRO, and in light of the recent coverage of the fires in Australia, we wanted to share crucial information to remember if your home or business ever experiences a fire.

In the event of a fire occurring in your home or business, remember that every second counts. It’s important to always be prepared - the first thing you should have ready for a fire event is an escape plan. 

Ready.Gov, the official website of the Department of Homeland Security, advises that families and businesses have a fire escape plan and practice it on average twice each year. When creating an escape plan for your home or business, remember the following:

  • Fine two ways to get out of each room in the event the primary way is blocked by fire or smoke.
  • A secondary route might be a window onto a neighboring roof or a collapsible ladder for escape from upper story windows. 
  • Make sure that windows are not stuck, screens can be taken out quickly, and that security bars can be properly opened. 
  • Practice feeling your way out of the house in the dark or with your eyes closed. 
  • Teach children not to hide from firefighters. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Cleaning Your Sioux City Warehouse

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Even though concrete flooring and steel building materials have a very low porosity for standing water and saturation, flooding in your warehouse can be a costly disaster. Addressing the migrating flood water involves the use of both our premier extraction tools, as well as effective drying solutions and cleaning products. Protecting your facility hinges on the fast and confident response of professionals like our SERVPRO team.

Invading water can move quickly across the warehouse floor, which can lead to widespread flood damage in structures. Surface water does not easily penetrate solid materials like concrete or metal, allowing it to pool at the floor level and get absorbed into inventory, boxes, crates, and pallets throughout this main floor of the building instead. With how readily moisture can affect stocked items and packing materials throughout the warehouse, removing this standing water is vital to protecting your stored products.

Our SERVPRO team has a warehouse of our own, one which can store and protect removed belongings and contents from your building until restoration and drying are complete. Our content management team can determine what items are in the direct path for water exposure or even in position for damage from elevated humidity and moisture content in the area. We can pack and move these items to our facility for safekeeping and focused drying, cleaning, and deodorization efforts before that.

Clearing out surface water often falls to the use of our portable electric sump pumps. However, when debris and other particulates can exist within this standing water, self-priming trash pumps can do the job more effectively. Both of these units offer discharge into drains and the exterior of the building with hoses, allowing our SERVPRO team to gain control of widespread flooding scenarios quickly.

Cleaning and disinfection of the warehouse are often necessary after potential contamination following flooding, but little reconstruction or controlled demolition is necessary. Threats and contaminants can remain at the surface levels of concrete and steel structural materials, allowing our team to clean and disinfect these surfaces where they stay installed.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

SERVPRO a Nation Wide Leader

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is often recognized as a nation-wide leader in disaster restoration services but, it is important to note that SERVPRO of Sooland and all SERVPRO locations are locally owned and operated. As a local business, we enjoy getting involved in our community; getting to know each other, engaging in community events, and of course, working with other business owners in our area when called upon. We know that working locally means our reputation is always on the line and for each and every job it is of the utmost importance for our team to maintain our great reputation, especially with our neighbors!

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

When Cleaning after a Fire, Trust the Professionals

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

When smoke damage strikes your home or office after the chaos and immediate worry is over you may be asking each other, how to clean up the mess? Maybe even talk and make plans to clean up the mess yourself. After all, it will keep costs down and you can get it done in your time frame.  

It is completely within your rights to decide who helps with your loss or to do the work yourself. But we at SERVPRO are trained in the latest techniques and with the best cleaning agents to cut through soot and smoke in your property.

We work alongside you and your insurance company to quickly get you back in your home or office restoring your property to preloss condition and making it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Prepare your home or business for winter weather

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Winter weather brings freezing temperatures, and the Tigard/Tualatin and surrounding area is anticipating snowy conditions. Ensure your home or business is prepared by reading the tips below.

  • Drain water from the swimming pool and water sprinkler supply lines. Do NOT put antifreeze in these lines unless directed; antifreeze is environmentally harmful and is dangerous to humans, pets, wildlife, and landscaping.
  • Close inside valves supplying outdoor hose bibs. Open the outside hose bibs to allow water to drain. Keep the outside valve open so that any water remaining in the pipe can expand without causing the pipe to break.
  • Add insulation to attics, basements and crawl spaces, if needed. Insulation will maintain higher temperatures in these areas.
  • Ensure that areas, where water supply lines are located, are insulated enough. Consider leaving kitchen and bathroom sink cabinet doors open and dripping overnight if you think they risk being frozen.
  • Consider installing specific products made to insulate water pipes. Newspapers can provide some degree of insulation and protection to exposed pipes - even ¼” of newspaper can provide significant protection in areas that usually do not have frequent or prolonged temperatures below freezing.

If you will be going away during cold weather, leave the heat on in your home set to a temperature no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Temporarily suspend the use of lower nighttime thermostat temperatures to lower the risk of frozen pipes.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Power Outage Kit

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

The American Red Cross encourages that each household and car have a preparedness kit, but sadly only 51.5% of US homes reportedly have an emergency kit ready. Kits should include things like water, canned food, a can opener, flashlights and batteries, including enough food and water for each person in your household for 5 days. Start with a power outage kit, grab an old backpack or duffle and add in plenty of bottled water, battery-operated radio, and clock, flashlight for each member of your household including extra batteries, non-electric can opener, list of emergency phone numbers including family and friends and a first aid kit.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

The Time to Plan is Now

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Hindsight is always 20/20. When we look back we always see signs we missed, mistakes we made and things that could have gone a lot better. Emergencies are no different. After an emergency like a natural disaster a power outage or something else there is general talk about how things could have been better and “What If’s”. There is a lot of talk in the Pacific Northwest about the Cascadia earthquake or even lesser earthquakes that would still do damage in our area; we hear about the damage that will be done, the likelihood of it being in X amount of years and so on. We can’t exactly plan a disaster that will occur but we can plan how we will react. We can plan now how we will get out of town from our homes, works or other high-frequency locations. We can plan on how all members of the family will respond after a disaster if say it happens while you are at work and your kids are in school. Making a plan on how your family will reconnect and where can eliminate fear about such an event as well as confusion should a disaster occur. Now is the time to plan for your evacuation route, do not wait until a disaster strikes to make a plan to keep your family safe. #SERVPRO

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Even a little water can make a big mess

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Any amount of unexpected water can cause a lot of damage, fast. We get calls from customers who have had water damage in their home or office all the time, often we are told the water has only affected a small area. But more often than not, that is not the case it is just the only water damage that is easily visible. Water runs across and down easily, it does not stay put in one area where a water loss has occurred.

We’re ready to deal with your water damage emergency day or night. When water causes damages in your home or office we are ready 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you. Not only are we ready to help, but we are also ready to answer your call.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Flooding caused by backed up downspout.

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

A downspout is an essential part of your gutter system and many problems can occur if it’s not functioning properly. Leaves and yard debris can end up causing plugs and clogs in downspouts leading them to back up and not drain as intended. As you start to plant your spring flowers, be sure to check around the foundation of your home for pooling water caused by downspouts. If you see signs of pooling and puddles make sure to clean out and clear out your downspouts to eliminate the blockage and lessen your chances of flooding from rainwater.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Flooding 101

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding can occur at any time of the year. We here at SERVPRO have a close relationship with that liquid sunshine we call rain. Even though it is a common sight for us it is important that we know common weather terms and what we need to do when we hear them.

For instance, do you know the difference between a “Flood Warning” and a “Flood Watch”? Although the two terms sound very similar they are different and need to elicit a different response. A

  • Flood Warning means that flooding will occur soon if it has not already. You need to move to higher ground or evacuate the area immediately.
  • Flood Watch means that flooding is possible. You need to listen to local radio or TV news stations and weather centers for more information. A Flood Watch can become a Flood Warning.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Who You Gonna Call?

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help during your time of need. When you call we answer even if it is 10 PM on a Friday, your call will be answered.  We understand that when you have water coming through light fixtures or sewage backing up into your shower and onto the bathroom floor that you cannot wait until business hours on Monday.

That is why when you call, we answer. We are able to speak with you, get details about what is going on and dispatch a crew as soon as possible.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Be ready for a Bio-Hazard

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and you are faced with situations you never could imagine. We will come out and perform an inspection with you to help determine the plan should a bio-hazard occur at your business. Our trained technicians will create a Ready Plan with you so that all your team members will know what to do and whom to call should a disaster strike. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

SERVPRO of Sooland Knows what to do if Mold Grows in your Home

1/31/2020 (Permalink)

It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, certain species of mold can cause health effects for some people.

If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

  • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
  • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
  • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What to do until help arrives

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have A Water Damage Emergency? 

With over 1,700 Franchises nationwide, there’s a SERVPRO Professional nearby and ready to serve you.

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after the removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Prevent Further Storm Damage By Using Certified Technicians

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

While storm damage may have happened on only one side or corner of your home, that damage can quickly spread. Water that has been able to enter during the storm through any openings created by falling trees or broken glass can evaporate and find its way into other rooms, and even onto other levels of your home.

Removing Storm Damage and the Mess it Makes Should be Done Carefully and Professionally

Storm damage can cause unexpected hazards. If your Sooland home or small business has experienced storm damage, you should not attempt to clean the debris up yourself. We have professional technicians who are trained in clearing away the debris. We have experience in extracting standing water, cleaning water-damaged items and structures, and can help prevent mold growth.

Cleaning alone is often not enough, as storm damage and subsequent rainfall will damage interior structures. We can prevent much of the damage, and repair what has already taken place. Repairs and restoration work can be done so that the new materials match the original ones. We have training and certification in restorative work that makes this possible.

From removing the debris to final restorative touches, we can quickly make things look “Like it never even happened,” ensuring you and your family can return to your home safely. The same goes for your small business or office. Don't let storm damage ruin your home or your business. 

For storm damage clean up and repairs, call SERVPRO of Sooland 24/7 at (402) 466-4004. We will respond to your emergency as quickly as possible to start cleaning up the debris and repairing the damage.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Beware Lightning During A Thundersnow Event!

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

Thundersnow. Strong winter snowstorms and blizzards commonly produce lightning strikes, a phenomenon referred to as 'thundersnow'. More uncommon than spring and summer thunderstorms, thunder snows do occur in the Midwest, and they are bred by the same unstable weather conditions. Essentially, they are thunderstorms that occur in colder months, and they are accompanied by thunder and lightning. Lightning and thunder can occur with any type of winter precipitation - including snow, sleet ('thundersleet') and freezing rain.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

You Need an ERP! What is an ERP?

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

 Protect Your Business!

 As many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster, according to the latest research. The thought process is “what is the likelihood it would happen to me.” We get busy in our work life and home life and just expect everyone to know how to handle an emergency situation.  Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. And knowing you are "Ready for whatever happens" speaks trust to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, they don’t necessarily have to be. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.
Implement an ERP (emergency ready program {plan}

  • Show your employees emergency exits
  • Fire extinguishers
  • First aid
  • Water shut-off valve
  • Fire alarms

If you do not know where these are in your building, SERVPRO of Sooland can do a free ERP program that links to your phone. Instantly giving you access to information you need in the event of a fire or water emergency.
Designate one or two people to make sure emergency necessities are in date.
Did you know items expire? Fire extinguishers, first aid kits, smoke alarms all of these things can go out of date. Make sure to set a schedule to monitor these things. A great tip is when your filters get changed to check the dates or batteries in the smoke alarms. Don’t rely on the alarms to notify you when the batteries are low! 
Know who to call in emergencies. Make sure they know who to call in the event of a fire or water damage. That is another great asset of SERVPRO’s ERP app. You can list the names and numbers of all important contacts during and after emergencies.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Call SERVPRO of Sooland For Commercial Cleaning Services

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial Cleaning Services

You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your office. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, call in SERVPRO of Sooland. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on SERVPRO Professionals to make your workspace look it's very best.

SERVPRO of Sooland Cleaning Technicians will get the job done right and get it done quickly because the SERVPRO Advantage includes these benefits:

  • Award-winning training
  • Over 40 years’ experience in the industry
  • More than 100 exclusive cleaning products

Specialty Cleaning Services

SERVPRO of Sooland offers cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. Our cleaning services include the following:

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Large Loss Desiccant

1/24/2020 (Permalink)

The Large Loss Electric Desiccant is a new way of drying and reducing humidity for the perfect climate control in water disasters. It meets the demands of larger residential and commercial water restoration jobs with a large-capacity mobile dehumidifier. SERVPRO of Lincoln professionals can work more efficiently and with faster time-response. This skid- and trailer-mounted units are perfectly manufactured for the most proper and substantial vapor pressure reduction and active temperature control management. The desiccant has already made a large impact on our drying process in large loss situations.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Flood Damage from Frozen Pipes

1/24/2020 (Permalink)

Not Yet Winter in Lincoln, But Burst Water Pipes Lead to Flooding in Your Home Busted water pipes make up nearly half of all in-home flood damage. This type of flooding is sudden and often due to hidden leaks, corrosion, or freezing. The cost and inconvenience of a busted pipe make it essential to start prevention while you still can.  Flood damage in Lincoln can happen during any season. While most homeowners associate flooding with warmer weather, many of you know that the winter is a dangerous time for in-home floods as well. SERVPRO of Sooland is well prepared to help you with your emergency during winter months as well as all other seasons. 
Busted Pipes: Winter Prevention
The freezing of a water pipe makes it burst due to the stress it puts on the metal or plastic. To reduce the chance of suffering a busted pipe, you can take a few simple steps.
  • First, it is crucial to know where to shut off the waterNow.  If a pipe bursts in your home, the most immediate course of action is to turn off that main water supply. Most can be found inside, usually in the basement. 
  • Second, make sure that your heating system is checked regularly. Also, inspect the insulation on all of your plumbing as well as your cold water tank. Units located in the attic and other vulnerable locations should be protected with insulated sleeves. 
  • During severe cold snaps, open cabinets where pipes are located so warm air can circulate.
  • Third, keep your heat on throughout the winter months. We know that winter can make heating your home costly, but during harsh, cold months, the chances of your pipes freezing get greater as the temperature plummets. 
  • Finally, make sure you shut off any external taps and disconnect water hoses outside.
What to Do if You Find a Frozen Pipe
If you see that one of your pipes are frozen, don’t wait around for it to burst or “thaw.” It won’t. What you need to do is immediately turn your water supply off to your home and slowly thaw the frozen pipe by applying a gentle, low heat to the area. You can use a hairdryer, hot water bottle, or even a space heater to accomplish this (never leave a space heater unattended). Never attempt to thaw a frozen pipe by using an open flame or other dangerous methods. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What you should know about Smoke Damage

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning Smoke Damage From A Fire When the firefighters leave, it may seem like the danger has passed and the home is safe from further destruction.  While fire may be the immediate danger, once it is gone, what it leaves behind will continue to affect the house. Ash and smoke, if left unhindered, will cause extensive corrosion, etching, and discoloration, not to mention powerful lingering odors. The only way to properly clean smoke and fire damage is to be extremely thorough. This entire process is very detailed.  Ash residue is easily disturbed and can spread through the building with ease, causing nearly everything to need restoration.                                                                   

Things you Need to Know about Smoke Damage

  1. Smoke Migrates to Cooler Areas: The behavior of smoke during a fire is largely dependent on temperature. Smoke is typically hot and migrates to cooler regions of your home. Unfortunately, the cooler regions of your home are often hard to reach places, like cabinets and the underside of furniture. This makes the cleaning process much more difficult and is one of the major consequences of smoke damage. 
  2. Smoke Uses Plumbing to Migrate through Your House: Smoke naturally travels through plumbing systems, using holes around pipes to travel from floor to floor. This is the best way for smoke to travel throughout homes and buildings and cause further damage. Vents and plumbing systems are cleaned and often replaced if smoke damage is great enough. 
  3. Wet, Smoldering Fires Produce the Most Damaging Smoke: The type of fire and the type of smoke produced by the fire make a huge difference when it comes to cleaning smoke damage. Wet, smoldering fires produce highly volatile and noxious smoke, the effects of which can persist for years if not cleaned properly.  
  4. High-Temperature Fires Produce Easier to Clean Smoke Damage: Contrary to what you might believe, high-temperature fires tend to be less damaging than smoldering fires. That is because they burn very quickly and produce a different type of smoke that contains less damaging soot. As a result, even though the high-temperature fire may seem like it would produce more damage, you may just get lucky. 
  5.   A Very Damaging Component of Smoke is Invisible: While the billowing clouds of dark smoke may seem the likely culprit, it’s the invisible protein residues of smoke that can also cause severe damage. These residues can break down metal, wood, paint, and even porcelain, and their highly volatile chemical make-up allows them to penetrate deep into almost any substance while remaining invisible. Beware of this invisible enemy! 
  6. Smoke Damage Can destroy Metal and Wood Items: You might think that hearty substances like wood and metal would not be affected by smoke as much as upholstery and textiles. You’d be wrong. The noxious protein residues in smoke can break down brass, copper, wood, and even stone, causing them to decay at an ultra-rapid rate. Be sure to let a professional know about the exposure of wood and metal items to smoke and the duration of the exposure. 
  7. The Number 1 Rule to Prevent Lasting Smoke Damage: Get Air Moving: If you want to get a head start on cleaning up your home after smoke damage, follow the cardinal rule. Get air moving.  Use fans and open windows to keep air circulating throughout your home. This will prevent any remaining smoke residues from penetrating even deeper into your house and property.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Rely on SERVPRO for Safe Bio-hazard Cleanup

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

Blood, bodily fluids, and other biohazards can endanger anyone who comes in contact with them. Even trace amounts so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye can pose serious health risks. When a site in your home or business has been contaminated, how do you make it safe again? Rely on the professionals at SERVPRO of Sooland for top-notch biohazard cleanup and restoration services.

Avoiding Health Risks Is it necessary to seek professional assistance in cleaning up a location impacted by crime, trauma or death? With the risks posed by blood-borne pathogens and dangerous communicable diseases, cleaning a scene contaminated with biohazards like blood is a perilous undertaking for anyone who lacks the proper training and equipment. It is unpleasant to think about, but blood and bodily fluids are prone to splattering so that minute amounts can affect a wide area. The air at these scenes can be hazardous since small particles can become airborne if dried material is disturbed. Anything removed from the scene must also be disposed of properly to avoid spreading the contamination. Besides, you cannot assume the area is safe again just because the visible traces have been removed. If a space contaminated with blood or other biohazards is not appropriately cleaned, sanitized and restored, these unseen hazards can linger, posing a threat to anyone who enters it. Ultimately, the best way to make sure that a place is once again safe is to use a professional organization like SERVPRO that is experienced in biohazard restoration.

Preventing Legal Repercussions As if the health risks created by biohazards are not dire enough, failure to have a contaminated space properly cleaned can also have serious legal consequences. The responsibility for cleaning up after a crime, trauma or death falls on the Sooland property owner, and there are regulations and laws regarding how biohazards are handled that must be followed. These rules are designed to safeguard everyone, and ignorance is not considered an acceptable excuse for disregarding them. Individuals and businesses that do not follow these rules may find themselves facing hefty fines. They might even be held liable if someone else is injured by their actions. Using a professional team that understands what is required to comply with the various rules and regulations governing biohazards in your area can shield you from both health risks and legal issues.

Focusing on Your Safety At SERVPRO of Sooland, we are committed to the well-being of our customers. Offering emergency services 24 hours a day, we will rapidly respond whenever you request our assistance. Our technicians follow the protocols established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), so you can be confident that they have the expertise and training to remove all biohazards and dispose of them properly. We use specialized equipment that allows us to detect the presence of even a minute trace of a biohazard, and we do not stop until your scene is thoroughly sanitized. As biohazard restoration professionals, we can often salvage items that others might have to discard, and we ensure that any material that does need to be removed from your location is disposed of appropriately. Dealing with a crime, trauma or death is undoubtedly difficult, but you can depend on SERVPRO of Sooland for courtesy, empathy, and the quality biohazard cleanup and restoration services that you need. Safety-minded, we are ready to do our part in restoring your space and your peace of mind. If a traumatic event has occurred on your property and you require assistance with the cleanup, contact us now to discover more about our https://www.SERVPROsooland.com/biohazard-cleaning/ and secure our help.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Clean Your Dryer Vents

12/30/2019 (Permalink)

One of the most common causes of fires is also perhaps the most preventable.

Dryer vents connect from your clothes dryer and can build up lint. If not cleaned out properly, the air cannot flow properly, and a fire can result. This type of fire happens most frequently in homes, posing dangers to adults and children.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year. These fires cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss. The U.S. Fire Administration also reports that the leading cause of home clothes dryer fires is failure to clean them (34 percent).

Apart from cleaning your dryer vent, the U.S. Fire Administration has suggestions to enhance safety when using your clothes dryer:

  • Don’t use a clothes dryer without a lint filter or with a lint filter that is loose, damaged or clogged.
  • Don’t overload the dryer.
  • Don’t use a wire screen or cloth to cover the wall damper. They can collect lint and clog the dryer vent.
  • Don’t dry anything containing foam, rubber or plastic. An example of an item not to place in a dryer is a bathroom rug with a rubber backing.
  • Don’t dry any item for which manufacturers' instructions state “dry away from heat.”
  • Don’t dry glass fiber materials (unless manufacturers' instructions allow).
  • Don’t dry items that have come into contact with anything flammable like alcohol, cooking oils or gasoline. Dry them outdoors or in a well-ventilated room, away from heat.
  • Don’t leave a clothes dryer running if you leave home or when you go to bed.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event; as well as mold remediation. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us today at 712.274.2416

Water in the Winter

12/30/2019 (Permalink)

Winter can be freezing and snowy, more often than not it’s just rainy. But that does not mean that winter weather can’t still take a toll on your home and property. We at SERVPRO of Sooland want to make sure you know the correct steps to take to prevent damages to your home and more importantly disruptions to your life. Ensure gutters are clean & secure, leaves & debris that accumulate damage gutters and can lead to roof problems & water damage. If winter and cold weather take their toll on your home, make sure to call the team with the knowledge and experience to make it “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at 712.274.2416

When Your Toilet Leaks

12/30/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can happen anytime and anywhere from things like dishwasher leaks or toilet clogs or wax ring failures on toilets. Sometimes you are not even aware of a leak inside a wall or in your crawlspace until there is a musty smell or discoloration on sheetrock.  We walk through the disaster with you, helping you to understand the sometimes complicated claims process and how to best advocate for yourself and your home. After all your house is probably the biggest investment you have ever made, it is not just a collection of rooms and things, it is your home, and we take care of it as if it was ours. If a disaster should ever strike your home or office call us at 712.274.2416.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at 712.274.2416


12/30/2019 (Permalink)

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important in a disaster event. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at 712.274.2416

What Class of Fire Extinguisher do you need.

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

A fire extinguisher can be a life-saving tool when used correctly. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) recommends individuals are properly trained in order to use and maintain an extinguisher.

USFA says an extinguisher should only be used if:
• You have alerted other occupants and someone has called the fire department.
• The fire is small and contained to a single object, such as a wastebasket.
• You are safe from the toxic smoke produced by the fire.
• You have a means of escape identified and the fire is not between you and the fire escape route.
• Your instincts tell you that it is safe to use an extinguisher.

Classes of Fire Extinguishers:

  • Class A: Use on ordinary combustible materials, such as cloth, wood, rubber, paper, and many plastics.
  • Class B: Use on flammable liquids, such as grease, gasoline and oil.
  • Class C: Use on appliances, tools, or other equipment that is electrically energized or plugged in.
  • Class D: Use on flammable metals and are often specific for the type of metal in question. These are typically found only in factories working with these metals.
  • Class K: Use on vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats in cooking appliances. These are generally found in commercial kitchens, but are suitable for the residential market.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Different Types of Storm Damage

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

Living in the Midwest can always be a challenge particularly in Lincoln and surrounding areas. There are many types of storm damage that can affect your home or business. Some of these include wind damage, flood damage, and hail damage. Here are some tips to consider should storm damage hit your home or commercial property.

Wind damage

High Wind are common occurrence in Nebraska. Your roof is particularly susceptible. Roof leaks can often lift shingles, cause cracks, and even remove portions or complete roofs. Flying debris can also cause cracks and holes in your siding or cause leakage through chimneys and soffit gable vents. All of these may factor into water invading your residence or business.

Roof Leaks. 

Why are roof leaks from storm damage so hard to detect? Many storms may loosen flashing creating a problem that is not visible to the naked eye. Loose flashing can cause roofs to leak occur even up to weeks after the initial storm occurs. Even a small roof leak can produce damp, moldy conditions inside your home or business. Your best bet is to secure a repair immediately after the wind damage. Doing so can prevent long-term interior damage. Contacting a storm damage professional at SERVPRO of Lincoln will guarantee you a comprehensive damage assessment and repair of services needed to give you peace of mind and protect your home or business long term. 

Flood damage and recovery

If Your home or business is near water or in a low lying area, flood water damage is a risk. Heavy rains and snow may cause water damage to your property.Many factors such as flood pump failures, and frozen pipes can factor in causing additional damages such as contaminated ground water invading your property. 

By relying on a train SERVPRO trained Water Damage Restoration Specialist, you will obtain faster storm remediation. Our experts will recommend ways to help mitigate flood water damage in the future, for instance, by requesting back up flood pump installation. 

Hail Damage 

Hail may Be one of the most overlooked causes of major storm damage. Hail Can damage not just your roof but also your siding, roof decking, exterior walls, or any detached sheds or outbuildings. You may believe that you have escaped any damage to your home especially with damage that is not always visible to the naked eye. Hail damage can cause small bruises to your shingles that overtime will expand, becoming larger, therefore causing rain to penetrate through the base of the shingles and intrude your attic space. This can lead to moldy conditions and interior leaks to your property over an extended period of time.  Again, at the smallest evidence of moisture issues after a storm it is wise  to contact the SERVPRO of Lincoln to do a thorough inspection of your property and make necessary repairs to prevent long-term damages and mold issues.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

5 Important things to know about fire.

5/14/2019 (Permalink)

Whether your fire is on purpose (bonfire) or on accident is important to know your fire facts. 

1. Earth is the only known planet where fire can burn. Everywhere else does not have enough oxygen. On Earth air consists of 21% oxygen.

2. Oxygen supply influences the color of the flame. A low-oxygen fire contains lots of uncombusted fuel particles and will give off a yellow glow. A high-oxygen fire burns blue.

3. Spontaneous combustion is real. Some fuel sources can generate their own heat—by rotting, for instance. Pistachios have so much natural oil and are so prone to heat-generating fat decomposition that the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code regards them as dangerous.

4. Haystacks, compost heaps, and even piles of old newspapers and magazines can also burst into flame.

5. America’s deadliest fire took place April 27, 1865, aboard the steamship Sultana. Among other passengers were 1,500 recently released Union prisoners traveling home up the Mississippi when the boilers exploded. The ship was six times over capacity, which helps explain the death toll of 1,547.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

For more important facts about fire visit http://discovermagazine.com/2011/oct/20-things-you-didn't-know-about-fire

What to think through before buying a commercial property.

5/14/2019 (Permalink)

When cleaning a commercial building not only is it important to us as a SERVPRO to make sure we understand what is expected of us but also why you as a property owner do what you do.  To that point not only are we cleaning your building but we are there to make sure your standards for the building are up held.  As a commercial property owner or manager we realize a lot went into your decision to take on this building, and we will do everything in our power to make it look like new.  When looking for your next investment property there are some important things to think about.

1. Ask yourself a lot of questions up front

2. Learn some commercial real estate vocabulary (and accept the learning curve)

3. Visit and consider many properties. Do you homework on each.

4. Find the experts you'll need

5. Figure out your financing

6. Make an offer (with your lawyer's approval!)

7. Due Diligence and Escrow

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

For more information to look at before buying an investment property visit https://42floors.com/edu/buying-commercial-real-estate/7-steps-to-owning-your-own-commercial-real-estate

Be Prepared

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

The American Red Cross encourages that each household and car have a preparedness kit, but sadly only 51.5% of US homes reportedly have an emergency kit ready. Kits should include things like water, canned food, a can opener, flashlights and batteries, including enough food and water for each person in your household for 5 days. Start with a power outage kit, grab an old backpack or duffle and add in plenty of bottled water, battery-operated radio and clock, flashlight for each member of your household including extra batteries, non-electric can opener, list of emergency phone numbers including family and friends and a first aid kit.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Getting your house ready for the weather.

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

Cold temperatures can take their toll on your home and property, it is important that you prepare your home for cold weather to limit risks and potential damages. When preforming maintenance and insuring that you are limiting risks of damage it is important to be thorough while inspecting your home. Install foam-rubber gaskets behind electrical outlets & switch covers on exterior walls and if you don’t use your fireplace, plug the flue with an inflatable plug. If water damage occurs in your home due to extreme weather or anything else, make sure to call the team with experience. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Winterizing your windows and doors

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

Cold temperatures can take their toll on your home and property, it is important that you prepare your home for cold weather to limit risks and potential damages. When preforming maintenance and insuring that you are limiting risks of damage it is important to be thorough while inspecting your home. Make sure that you replace any broken windows and re-putty any loose window panes, seal around windows and door trims or use weather stripping for windows that are opened. If water damage occurs in your home due to extreme weather or anything else, make sure to call the team with experience. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Your Wet Paperwork

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

We all have that spot where we store our important documents, maybe its a few different places in your home. But it’s that place where you keep passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, wills, social security cards and many more documents you don’t always need but can never lose.

SERVPRO of Sooland has an entire team dedicated to Document Restoration. If you have experienced damage to important or beloved documents, let us help. Our team of trained production techs will come into your home or office, inventory through extensive lists and photos to document what documents or boxes of documents you have, then we can dry and help to restore them.

Documents can become damaged from various disasters like water damage in your home or office or even a fire that necessitates the fire department to use water or triggers sprinklers to go off. Either way, you are often left with lots of soaking wet documents, but we can help restore them and restore the peace of mind for you around such important items.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Water Damage in Your Home

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can happen anytime and anywhere from things like dishwasher leaks or toilet clogs or wax ring failures on toilets. SERVPRO of Sooland is here to help when disaster strikes. We walk through the disaster with you, helping you to understand the sometimes complicated claims process and how to best advocate for yourself and your home, as well as the time line for when you can expect everything to be complete. After all your home is probably the biggest investment you have ever made, it is not just a collection of rooms and things, it is your home.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Your Effected Possessions

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

After a disaster like a fire or flood from a cooking fire or washing machine overflow you may not know what comes next after you have called for the initial clean up to start. One area that is often overlooked is your possessions or your contents, after they have been inventoried they are packed out and stored in our secure, climate controlled warehouse.  We pack out the area that was effected, take it to our cleaning area, and then return it to the same place we took it from.  We use a system of pictures and numbering to make sure your house is put back together “Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Fire is not a Toy

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Each year, the Red Cross responds to nearly 64,000 disasters, the majority of which are home fires resulting in about 7 deaths and 36 injuries every day and over $7 billion in property damage every year. The Red Cross recommends keeping matches, lighters and other ignitable substances in a secured location out of the reach of children. Only use lighters with child-resistant features in the home as often times fire started can look like a toy for children. Using these precautions can help not only keep everyone in your family safe but may save a life.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Fires don't take Holidays

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Fire can and do happen anywhere and anytime, they do not take holidays off. SERVPRO of Sooland is here for you when disasters such as water or fire damage strike. Whether it be from a smoke in the breakroom at work from popcorn left to long in the microwave, or a space heater left to close to a blanket at home, we are Here to Help® you to life as it was before the disaster. We know that just because we deal with emergencies every day, you do not. So we are here to share our years of experience with you, as we guide you through the process of making it “Like it never even happened.” Our crews work with you and your insurance to take care of the details to insure you can come out after the disaster as if the fire never occurred. We walk with you through the process, guiding you with answers, advice and experience through to the other side where life will come back together. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Fire Drills

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Fire drills are not just for schools, they should be completed by business and families alike. It is crucial to the safety of all that everyone knows more than one way out of the building or home, the designated meeting spot a safe distance from the structure where a head count can be taken to inform first responders of anyone left in the building and what to do should they not be able to have an escape route. We like to suggest that customers regularly preform a “fire drill” so that everyone knows what to do and how to keep themselves and others safe. If disaster should strike your home, we are ready 24/7, 365 at (712) 274-2416 to help walk with you through the cleanup and repairs to help you make it “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Science of Drying

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know, there is actually a science behind the process of drying? The knowledge of psychometrics is essential to restoring a water damaged structure to its preloss condition. While your initial reaction may be to grab a few towels to mop up the mess and place a fan or two around the damaged area, SERVPRO of Sooland are trained in the science of drying and follow strict industry- approved standards to help lower the chances of any secondary damages. If your business suffers a water damage we are here for you.  We are dedicated to helping our customers when disaster strikes and helping to make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What’s the Difference between Mold Removal and Remediation?

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

Since microscopic mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, removing all mold from a home or business is impossible. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy.

A qualified restoration company understands the science behind mold and mold growth. SERVPRO of Sooland Professionals have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or business. Mold remediation focuses on getting mold levels back to normal, natural levels.

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. To learn more about our mold remediation process.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

It’s not just a fire, it’s the fire that affected you.

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

Fires can happen in any home or office, but there are things we can all do to limit the risks of fires starting in the first place and take steps to limit the impact of a fire should one start. Do you know what the leading cause of Winter Fires is? It may not be what you think. Should your home or office be damaged from a fire starting in the microwave in the breakroom from forgotten food or in your home from bad wiring, we can help.  We understand that when it comes to your fire, it is not just another job. It is the business you built from the ground up and have poured blood, sweat and tears into. It is our dream home that you have spent time and money fixing and updating to make it the home your kids will grow up in and will hold memories and traditions. We walk with you through the process, guiding you with answers, advice and experience through to the other side where life will come back together. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at 712-274-2416

Emergency Water Damage Service 24/7

2/1/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Sooland has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

After Firetrucks Leave

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

After the fire trucks leave a new fleet of trucks will arrive, you will be swarmed by company’s calming everything from being sent by the fire department, they were called by your insurance company or even that your neighbor called them. All of us here at SERVPRO of Sooland want to make sure that you are prepared for disaster from sprinklers breaking and causing a water damage, or sprinklers working to put out a fire in your office but now having a water damage on top of the fire. As a customer you have the right to choose who helps with your fire damage clean up. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

We have the best crews!

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

When disaster strikes it is consuming, it takes over your worries and stress as well as your time. This is no different if the disaster occurs at work as opposed to your home, it is just a different set of worries. SERVPRO of Sooland is here to help you handle the stress by taking it off your plate. Our well trained crews are here to step in and help make it “Like it never even happened.” Our crews will work with you and your insurance company to take care of the documentation and record keeping to insurance that the claim will go smoothly and all will be taken care of. We will work with you with scheduling and working around your needs to help keep your business open so that you can continue to provide for your customers.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Faster to Any Size Disaster

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important in a disaster event. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Don't let your gutters be a problem this winter.

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

Cold weather can wreak havoc and cause costly damage to your home or business if you are not property prepared. Whether it is heavy rain, freezing temperatures, damaging winds, sleet or snow, all can cause serious property damage. While you cannot control the weather, you can take steps to be prepared, and help take the sting out of winter weather. To help prevent weather-related damages, consider taking the following precautions before winter weather hits. Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper order. Gutter downspouts should be directed away from your building. Clear gutters of debris that may have gathered during the fall. Leaves and other obstructions can lead to a damming effect, causing roof damage and interior water problems.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Floods are the most common natural disaster in the US.

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

Floods rank as one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States. Whether you live near a coastline, along a city streets, in the mountains, out in the country, or even in the desert, there is potential for flooding. Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. In the past ten years, the average annual flood losses in the U.S. were more than $29. Billion according to floodsmart.gov. A variety of events can cause flooding, like: heavy rains, when ocean waves come onshore, if snow melts too fast, or when dams or levees break. A flooding event may occur over a long periods and could last days, weeks, or longer.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What Comes Next

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

After a disaster like a fire or flood from a cooking fire or washing machine overflow you may not know what comes next after you have called for the initial clean up to start. One area that is often overlooked is your possessions or your contents, they may need to be inventoried so they can be packed out and stored or they may need to be listed out for non-salvage if they are beyond restoration. Our trained team of technicians are equipped to assist you in packing out your contents. We inventory all items packed out and provide pack out reports and non-salvage lists for those items that are beyond cleaning and will need to be replaced by the insurance company.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Be READY with a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile

1/24/2019 (Permalink)

The New Year signifies a fresh start. With each New Year, many people resolve to better themselves or some part of their life. This year, make a resolution to be READY. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can prepare for it. The SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile (ERP) will help ensure you are “Ready for whatever happens.” In the event of an emergency, the ERP can help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your facility. Some advantages of the Emergency READY Profile include a no-cost assessment of your facility, a concise profile document containing only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency. A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster and identifies a line of command for authorizing work to begin if a disaster should strike.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Water Leads to Mold

1/24/2019 (Permalink)

There is no such thing as a small disaster, especially when you have a water damage in your home. Water damage can affect the value of your property and if not cleaned property, may cause major problems over time. Don’t leave your property to chance, call SERVPRO of Sooland. Consider the following steps to help minimize damage or prevent further damage while waiting for help to arrive by shutting off the water source if possible or contact a professional to do so. Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting and place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What to do when your dishwasher overflows

1/24/2019 (Permalink)

After a disaster like a fire or flood from a cooking fire or washing machine overflow you have many people in your home to help you get back to normal. Once mitigation and repairs are complete, you may be standing in an empty house wondering what happens next. After repairs are complete, we can complete a post construction cleanup, a deep clean intended to take care of the fine dust that settles throughout the home when construction work is done. Once your home is put back together and clean, we will pack back your items so that you can start making it “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Five Leading Causes of Home Fires

1/21/2019 (Permalink)

Have you ever wondered if one type of incident or action is more likely to lead to a home fire than another? As it turns out, there are five causes that are more prevalent than others. Read on to learn what they are and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Cooking

Cooking fires are the number-one cause of all fires in the United States. They usually occur when someone leaves a kitchen appliance unattended while cooking. Frying creates the greatest threat.

2. Heating Appliances
Devices such as furnaces and space heaters also pose a significant fire risk. Similar to cooking fires, many of these accidents happen when a piece of equipment is left unattended or if it is operated incorrectly.

3. Electrical Gear
A home fire can also be caused by equipment used for electrical or lighting purposes. This includes lamps, power outlets and other objects that run on electricity. Once again, careful and attentive operation of electrical devices is crucial to stay safe.

4. Intentional Situations
Unfortunately some fires are started intentionally by those wishing to create chaos and destruction. Arson makes up the fourth largest category of household fires in the United States. Many perpetrators are under the age of eighteen.

5. Smoking-Related Accidents
Smoke-related fires are the fifth most common kind in the United States. Always practice common sense safety procedures if you are planning on smoking in or near your home.

A home fire is never a pleasant thing to think about, but knowing the leading causes of these disasters can help you to avoid them and the aftermath of a fire. Remember to always call for help and evacuate the premises if a fire begins in your home. Having a family evacuation plan is a must! Being educated is one of the first steps to take in order to keep your home, your family and yourself safer each day.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Keeping Warm This Winter

1/21/2019 (Permalink)

With the winter season upon us and the temperature starts to drop, we often turn to anything that can keep us warm in our homes. From heating a certain room with our space heaters to cuddling up with your loved ones in front of a warm fire. All of which can be potentially dangerous. Here are some tips to keep you safe while turning up the heat.

Fireplace Safety Tips:

  • Before starting a fire, make sure the damper or flue is open. Keeping this open will draw smoke out of the house. Using a flashlight to look up the chimney can check the damper. Never close the damper until the embers have completely stopped burning.
  • Use dry or aged wood in your fire. With dried wood, it burns with less smoke and burns more evenly. If you use wet or green wood, this cause more smoke and contributes to soot buildup in the chimney.
  • Smaller pieces of wood positioned on a grate burn faster and produce less smoke.
  • Make sure to clean out ashes from any previous fires. The levels of ash at the base of the fireplace should be kept to 1 inch or less. A thicker layer restricts the air supply to logs, resulting in more smoke.
  • You should get your chimney checked annually by a professional. Even if the chimney is not due for cleaning, it is very important to check for animal nests or any other blockages that could prevent smoke from escaping.
  • The area around your fireplace should be clear of anything that is potentially flammable.
  • Never leave the fire in your fireplace unattended. Make sure the fire is out completely before going to bed or leaving the house.
  • Install both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure to test them monthly and change the batteries at least once a year.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher on hand.

Peace of mind over the holidays and winter season can be increasingly difficult. Educating your family on these safety measures can eliminate the likelihood of a fire in your home and keep your family safe and sound.  

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Types of Water Damage

12/20/2018 (Permalink)

Water may seem very unlikely to cause damage. Do not be quick to dismiss it just yet. Water in the presence strong winds can be very destructive. It is for this reason that hurricanes and strong rains have claimed lives and destroyed millions worth of property. Water damage can also be as minimalist as broken water pipes that cause molding and rusting. These broken pipes are ranked second from hurricanes in causing water damage.

There are three types of water damage:

  • Category 1
    • This is does not cause any threat to human life. It is from is from broken house appliances and pipes which can flood a house or basement.
  • Category 2
    • This is also known "gray water". The water is contaminated and contains chemicals, micro-organisms, nutrients and biological contaminants. This water can cause serious health damage and discomfort when consumed.
  • Category 3
    • This is also known as "black water". This water is very unsanitary and contains harmful bacteria, fungi and harmful physical components like sharp tools. The source of this water is sewage, seawater, water rising from water bodies due to heavy rains and ground water.

Classes of water damage

The several classes of water damage help in evaluating water control options.

  • Class 1- Water damage is minimal, and the materials do not absorb a lot of water making repairs easy and less costly.
  • Class 2- This class has a fast evaporation rate but other materials like cushions and mattresses may be damaged.
  • Class 3- water has the fastest rate of evaporation here and the damage caused is greater and difficult to repair. The water may come from overhead sources and may soak the walls and furniture.
  • Class 4- This stage requires professional technique and procedures to control. It may damage concrete and hard floors and plaster.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

How to Prevent Mold in Sioux City

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

1. Identify problem areas in your home and correct them. Preventing mold from growing or spreading might be as simple as ripping up carpet in a damp basement, installing mold-resistant products, or repairing damaged gutters.

2. Dry wet areas immediately. Mold can't grow without moisture, so tackle wet areas right away. 

3. Prevent moisture with proper ventilation. Make sure an activity as simple as cooking dinner, taking a shower, or doing a load of laundry doesn't invite mold by providing proper ventilation in your bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and any other high-moisture area. 

4. Equip your home with mold-resistant products. Building a new home or renovating an old one? Use mold-resistant products like mold-resistant drywall or mold-resistant Sheetrock, and mold inhibitors for paints. 

5. Monitor humidity indoors. The EPA recommends keeping indoor humidity between 30 and 60 percent. You can measure humidity with a moisture meter purchased from your local hardware store. 

6. Direct water away from your home. If the ground around your home isn't sufficiently sloped away from the foundation, water may collect there and seep into your crawlspace or basement.

7. Clean or repair roof gutters.  Have your roof gutters cleaned regularly and inspected for damage. Repair them as necessary, and keep an eye out for water stains after storms that may indicate a leak.

8. Improve air flow in your home. Without good air flow in your home, that excess moisture may appear on your walls, windows and floors. To increase circulation, open doors between rooms, move furniture away from walls, and open doors to closets that may be colder than the rooms they’re in. Let fresh air in to reduce moisture and keep mold at bay.

9. Keep mold off household plants. They're beautiful and help keep your indoor air clean — and mold loves them. The moist soil in indoor plants is a perfect breeding ground for mold, which may then spread to other areas of your house.

Call us at SERVPRO of Sooland if you have any signs of mold, we have trained professionals to handle the infestation. Reach us at (712)274-2416.

Specialized and Unique Equipment – Large Loss Electric Desiccant

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

Using a Large Loss Electric Desiccant is a new way of drying that reduces the humidity in a building to the perfect climate within a building after a water disaster.  This desiccant allows us to meet the needs of larger residential and commercial water restoration jobs, instead of having multiple dehumidifiers in the affected area we are able to bring in this machine to cover the whole space.  This Large Loss Electric Desiccant acts as a high-capacity mobile dehumidifier, which allows us to dry large spaces faster and with less energy. These skid- and trailer-mounted units are perfectly manufactured for the most proper and substantial vapor pressure reduction and active temperature control management. The desiccant has already made a large impact on our drying process in large loss situations.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Let SERVPRO of Sooland get your business up and running

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage and flooding in Sioux City commercial properties can often be complex with many different issues.  Each of these issues that arise after a water loss require a knowledgeable and flexible response.  Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Rely On SERVPRO to Help With Rental Property Water Damage

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

A common problem in Sioux City Iowa rental properties is plumbing failure. It can be due to aging pipes or renters trying to fix a leak themselves. However it happens, the resulting damage to the structure can range from minor trim replacement to complete replacement of cabinetry.

If you have suffered water damage to your rental property, then you know much of the damage is to the areas immediately under the leak. SERVPRO of Sooland has the experience and personnel to dry out any remaining moisture and restore or repair physical damage.

Most cabinets under a sink or tap are open in the back. This means that airflow is pretty good and can be used to help dry out water damage. If the leak is caught quickly, our technicians can extract any standing water and then place a fan pointed inside the cabinet to dry it out.

If the cabinet has its own back, then there is a space between the wall and the back panel where moisture is trapped and can eventually cause drywall to disintegrate and mold to begin to grow. Our technicians will drill one or more holes into the back panel to accelerate airflow and drain any standing water that may have gathered. These holes will be drilled as low as possible where they will be hard to see and can be easily patched once work is completed. If there is trim molding covering the area to be drilled, we will remove it and drill there to help keep the original appearance intact.

Restoring your rental property to its pre-flood state is not a quick process, but it can be done efficiently and in a manner to prevent further damage. Call SERVPRO of Sooland to get started today. We are always ready to help

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call us at (712) 274-2416

Deodorization with Ozone

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

Activated oxygen machines, otherwise known as ozone machines, work in your home to clean the air of odor.  One of the most common uses is for the decimation of smoke odor. These machines work by breaking down the oxygen we breath (O2), and converting it into ozone (O3). 

These machines have a wide range of uses and be used in one room of a house or the entire floor of a building.  Here at SERVPRO of Sooland, we use them quite often when there has been a fire. The activated oxygen machine allows us to clean a room that smells of smoke without using any chemicals.  These little machines are not limited to smoke odor cleaning however! They can also be used for pet and food odors! 

 If you have any odors in your home, call SERVPRO of Sooland to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remove odors in your home or business.

Call us today at 712.274.2416.

Tips and Tricks with Smoke Damage

10/24/2018 (Permalink)

When the firefighters leave, it may seem like the danger has passed and the home is safe from further destruction.  While fire may be the immediate danger, once it is gone, what it leaves behind will continue to affect the house. Ash and smoke will cause extensive corrosion, etching and discoloration not to mention powerful lingering odors. The only way to properly clean smoke and fire damage is to be extremely thorough. This entire process is very detailed. Ash residue is easily disturbed and can spread through the building with ease, causing nearly everything to need restoration.                                                                 

Things You need to Know About Smoke Damage  

1. Smoke Migrates to Cooler Areas: The behavior of smoke during a fire is largely dependent on temperature. Smoke is typically hot and migrates to cooler regions of your home. Unfortunately, the cooler regions of your home are often hard to reach places, like cabinets and the underside of furniture. This makes the cleaning process much more difficult and is one of the major consequence of smoke damage. 

2. Smoke Uses Plumbing to Migrate Through Your House: Smoke naturally travels through plumbing systems, using holes around pipes to travel from floor to floor. This is the best way for smoke to travel throughout homes and buildings and cause further damage. Vents and plumbing systems are cleaned and often replaced if smoke damage is great enough. 

3. Wet, Smoldering Fires Produce the Most Damaging Smoke: The type of fire and the type of smoke produced by the fire make a huge difference when it comes to cleaning smoke damage. Wet, smoldering fires produce highly volatile and noxious smoke, the effects of which can persist for years if not cleaned properly.  

4. High Temperature Fires Produce Easier to Clean Smoke Damage: Contrary to what you might believe, high temperature fires tend to be less damaging than smoldering fires. That is because they burn very quickly and produce a different type of smoke that contains less damaging soot. As a result, even though the high temperature fire may seem like it would produce more damage, you may just get lucky. 

5. A Very Damaging Component of Smoke is Invisible: While the billowing clouds of dark smoke may seem the likely culprit, it’s the invisible protein residues of smoke that can also cause server damage. These residues can break down metal, wood, paint, and even porcelain, and their highly volatile chemical make-up allows them to penetrate deep into almost any substance while remaining totally invisible. Beware of this invisible enemy!

6. Smoke Damage Can destroy Metal and Wood Items: You might think that hearty substance like wood and metal would not be affected by smoke as much as upholstery and textiles. You’d be wrong. The noxious protein residues in smoke can break down brass, copper, wood, and even stone, causing them to decay at an ultra rapid rate. Be sure to let a professional know about the exposure of wood and metal items to smoke and the duration of the exposure. 

7. The Number 1 Rule to Prevent Lasting Smoke Damage: Get Air Moving: If you want to get a head start on cleaning up your home after smoke damage, follow the cardinal rule. Get air moving.  Use fans and open windows to keep air circulating throughout your home. This will prevent any remaining smoke residues from penetrating even deeper into your house and property.

Safety Tips when using a Space Heater

10/15/2018 (Permalink)

Nothing can take the chill out of a cold room quite like a space heater, but they are also dangerous, 40-percent of home heating fires are caused by space heaters. Before purchasing a space heater, it is important to think about how you will be using it. Will it be used for supplemental heat in colder rooms or other areas, or will it be used for emergency heat? As a general rule of thumb, electric space heaters are typically safer than portable fuel-burning models (e.g. natural gas, propane, kerosene.) When choosing a unit try to find one that is listed or labeled by a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as CSA (Canadian Standards Association), UL (Underwriters Laboratories), or ETL (Intertek). Doing this will ensure that the heater’s construction and performance meet voluntary safety standards. Continue reading for some tips for keeping your home or office safe while using a space heater. While some may seem obvious, others may surprise you:

  • Protect with Smoke Alarms -Make sure you have smoke alarms/carbon monoxide on every floor of your home and they are tested them regularly.
  • Keep it Level -Always make sure the space heater on a hard, level and non-flammablesurface
  • Use a Timer - Many models feature programmable timers that can be used to program automatic on and off times for when you sleep or head to work.
  • Area Free of Flammable Liquids- Do not put them on easily ignitable or combustible surfaces, such as rugs or carpets, or use them to dry wet clothing.
  • Don't Extend the Power Line -Avoid using an extension cord. Plug a space heater directly into an outlet with enough capacity.
  • Remember the 3 Feet Rule -Ensure the space heater is at least 3ft away from anything that isn’t non-flammable.
  • Keep it a Kid Free Zone -Keep children and pets away from space heaters.
  • Clean Your Space Heater -Be sure to clean your space heater regularly, and follow your manufacturer’s guide for specific advice on maintenance and inspection.
  • Don't Leave it Running -Never leave a space heater on when you leave.

Most space heaters will warm you up, but not all are created equal. The best space heater will included safety features like tip-over protection and UL certification. It should also be easy to move and operate, dispersing heat without wasting energy. Below is a great website you can use to find the best space heater for you and your needs.


Contact Us
If fire or water damage strikes your home or business, give us a call. We are on call 24 hours a day, 356 days a year. SERVPRO Professionals have been helping home and business owners for more than 45 years. Contact SERVPROof Sooland at (712)274-2416

What to know about Tornadoes

10/15/2018 (Permalink)

Although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, these destructive forces of nature are found most frequently in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains during the spring and summer months. In an average year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in 80 deaths and over 1,500 injuries. A tornado is defined as a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 250 mph or more. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide and 50 miles long. Once a tornado in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, carried a motel sign 30 miles and dropped it in Arkansas!

What Causes Tornadoes?
Thunderstorms develop in warm, moist air in advance of eastward-moving cold fronts. These thunderstorms often produce large hail, strong winds, and tornadoes. Tornadoes in the winter and early spring are often associated with strong, frontal systems that form in the Central States and move east. During the spring in the Central Plains, thunderstorms frequently develop along a "dryline," which separates very warm, moist air to the east from hot, dry air to the west. Tornado-producing thunderstorms may form as the dryline moves east during the afternoon hours. 

How Do Tornadoes Form?
Before thunderstorms develop, a change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere.  Rising air within the thunderstorm updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical.  An area of rotation, 2 - 6 miles wide, now extends through much of the storm. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation

Tornadoes Take Many Shapes and Sizes
Weak Tornadoes

  • 69% of all tornadoes
  • Less than 5% of tornado deaths
  • Lifetime 1-10+ minutes
  • Winds less than 110 mph

Strong Tornadoes

  • 29% of all tornadoes
  • Nearly 30% of all tornado deaths
  • May last 20 minutes or longer
  • Winds 110-205 mph

Violent Tornadoes

  • Only 2% of all tornadoes
  • 70% of all tornado deaths
  • Lifetime can exceed 1 hour
  • Winds greater than 205 mph

Tornado Myths:
MYTH: Areas near rivers, lakes and mountains are safe from tornadoes. 
FACT: No place is safe from tornadoes. In the late 1980's, a tornado swept through Yellowstone National Park leaving a path of destruction up and down a 10,000 ft. mountain.
MYTH: The low pressure with a tornado causes buildings to "explode" as the tornado passes overhead. 
FACT: Violent winds and debris slamming into buildings cause most structural damage.
MYTH: Windows should be opened before a tornado approaches to equalize pressure and minimize damage. 
FACT: Opening windows allows damaging winds to enter the structure. Leave the windows alone; instead, immediately go to a safe place.

Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year

  • In the southern states, peak tornado occurrence is in March through May, while peak months in the northern states are during the summer.
  • Note, in some states, a secondary tornado maximum occurs in the fall.
  • Tornadoes are most likely to occur between 3 and 9 p.m. but have been known to occur at all hours of the day or night.
  • The average tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but tornadoes have been known to move in any direction. The average forward speed is 30 mph but may vary from nearly stationary to 70 mph.
  • The total number of tornadoes is probably higher than indicated in the western states. Sparse population reduces the number reported.

What to Listen For...

  • SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH: Severe thunderstorms are possible in your area.
  • SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING: Severe thunderstorms are occurring.
  • TORNADO WATCH: Tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms.
  • TORNADO WARNING: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. If a tornado warning is issued for your area and the sky becomes threatening, move to your pre-designated place of safety.

Remember, tornadoes occasionally develop in areas in which a severe thunderstorm watch or warning is in effect. Remain alert to signs of an approaching tornado and seek shelter if threatening conditions exist. Environmental CluesLook out for:

  • Dark, often greenish sky
  • Wall cloud
  • Large hail
  • Loud roar; similar to a freight train

Caution: Some tornadoes appear as a visible funnel extending only partially to the ground.
Some tornadoes are clearly visible while others are obscured by rain or nearby low-hanging clouds. It's Up to YOU! 
Each year, many people are killed or seriously injured by tornadoes despite advance warning. Some did not hear the warning while others received the warning but did not believe a tornado would actually affect them. This preparedness information, combined with timely severe weather watches and warnings, could save your life in the event a tornado threatens your area. After you have received the warning or observed threatening skies, YOU must make the decision to seek shelter before the storm arrives. It could be the most important decision you will ever make.

Water Leading to Mold Growth Happens Fast

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Have A Water Damage Emergency? Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Understanding Mold

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  •  Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  •  Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  •  Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce toxins harmful to humans and pets.
  •  Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise the mold may return.
  •  Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  •  Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

What to do and what NOT to do after a fire

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Have A Fire or Smoke Damage Emergency? Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting your SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

Commercial Water Damage Restoration

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage or Flooding? Call Us Today (712) 274-2416

Water damage can strike your commercial property at any time. Water damage can sideline your business, regardless if the damage occurs from a major storm event or a broken water line. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when you have an emergency water event, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals offer fast, 24 hour emergency services, 365 days per year.

Commercial Water Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training, experience, and equipment to manage water and flooding damage. Whether you have a large water emergency or a small water damage event, they will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Learn more about SERVPRO Franchise Professional training and certifications.

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician

Commercial Storm Damage Restoration

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland 3220 Line Drive Sioux City, IA 51106

Storms and inclement weather can bring wind damage, heavy rain, and flooding that can devastate any business in a matter of minutes. There’s never a convenient time for flooding or water damage to strike, and storms don’t just strike during regular business hours; that’s why SERVPRO Franchise Professionals offer 24 hour emergency service 365 days per year.

Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give our Professionals a call and they’ll be there fast with the help you need.

Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today (712) 274-2416

Disaster Recovery Team

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals are prepared for the unpredictable. Learn more about the Disaster Recovery Team.

Commercial Building Services

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Have Questions? Call Today (712) 274-2416

Your commercial property’s appearance speaks volumes to your clients. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

  • Retail Facilities
  • Education Facilities
  • Property Management
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Hospitality Facilities
  • Food Service Facilities

Commercial Building Restoration Services

We are available 24 hours a day to get your business back up and running. Our expertise includes restoration services for fire and water damage, including electronics restoration and document drying. We are also your business’s best resource for mold remediation. Learn more about our commercial restoration services:

  • Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Fire Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Mold Remediation
  • Commercial Storm and Major Events
  • Disaster Recovery Team

Commercial Building Cleaning Services

Whether your need is removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can depend on a SERVPRO Franchise Professional to get the job done right the first time. They’ll respond promptly and make your workspace look its very best. Learn more about our Commercial Cleaning Service.

Call SERVPRO of Sooland (712) 274-2416

Faster to any Size Disaster

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

(712) 274-2416

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals

  • Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Highly Trained Fire and Water Restoration Specialists
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Preferred Vendor for Many National and Local Insurance Companies

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (712) 274-2416

The Fire Damage Restoration Process

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals know just how devastating a fire can be. Fire and water damage can leave your house unsafe and unlivable. They’re trained to clean and restore your home with as little disruption as possible. Learn more about the fire damage restoration process.

Step1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

Step 6: Cleaning and Repair

Step 7: Restoration

Regardless of the Storm Damage, SERVPRO of Sooland can help

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Storm and flood damage can be devastating. Immediate action is needed, and you need the company with storm damage experience. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the expertise and the resources to handle any size disaster and can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions.

Have Storm or Flood Damage?
Call Us Today (712) 274-2416

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals

  • Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Highly Trained Water Restoration Specialists
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises

Storms occur with little warning and can be especially devastating, so you’ll need the company that you can trust to rise to the occasion. Regardless of the type of storm, SERVPRO of Sooland Professionals can handle any size disaster. During catastrophic storms and major events, our Disaster Recovery Team can respond quickly with additional resources.

  • Flooding caused by heavy rains
  • Hurricanes and tidal surges
  • Tornadoes and wind damage
  • Ice and snowstorms
  • Wild fires

What to do until help arrives

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

Have A Water Damage Emergency? 
Call (712) 274-2416

With over 1,700 Franchises nationwide, there’s a SERVPRO Professional nearby and ready to serve you.

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Biohazard Cleanup? Call SERVPRO of Sooland

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Biohazard contaminants should be considered very dangerous as they can pose a serious health risk. Sewer backups and flood water are two common biohazard scenarios that can affect homes and businesses. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to safely clean and restore this type of contamination.

Need Biohazard Cleanup? 
Call Us Today (712) 274-2416

After any biohazard or sewage contamination in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences.
  • Flood water can contain sewage, pesticides, and other contaminants.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.

What to Do After a Contamination

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Call emergency service personnel if the situation is life-threatening.
  • Treat all bodily fluids as if they are contaminated.
  • Turn off the HVAC system if there is sewage damage.

What Not to Do After a Contamination

  • Don’t leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don’t leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don’t use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don’t use television or other household appliances.
  • Don’t turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

24 Hour Emergency Service

Biohazards like flood water or sewer backups should be considered an emergency and dealt with as quickly as possible. SERVPRO of Sooland Professionals are water damage restoration specialists and have specific training and expertise to safely remediate biohazard contaminants.

Mold Myth Busters

3/16/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let mold affect you and your families health, call us today at 712-274-2416!

When it comes to mold, misinformation is all too common and it can be costly to homeowners' health and property. That's why the experts at, SERVPRO, one of the largest disaster restoration companies in the United States, say it's essential that homeowners know the facts about mold.

As temperatures begin to rise across the country, SERVPRO of Sooland is alerting consumers about the most common myths that its network of trained professionals encounters when facing water or mold damage.

Home and business owners rarely think about mold and/or microbial growth until it affects their health, homes, or businesses.  Mold spores are all around us, everywhere, and found in most every home across the world.  In the right conditions and without the right treatment, mold can quickly grow into a major problem.

The three most commonly reported mold myths are:

  1. False: Bleach or other retail products can kill mold on any surface.
    Most retail products simply discolor mold and are not recommended for use on porous surfaces. In porous and semi- porous materials, such as wood, carpet, ceiling tile or drywall, mold's roots may not come into contact with the cleaning product, meaning it will likely return. This is one reason why experts say removing the mold-affected items is the only way to ensure it is removed from your home.
  2. False: Dead mold can't cause health issues.
    Mold goes dormant until the conditions are favorable for regrowth. Even dormant mold can release spores, allowing it to reproduce and reappear, particularly if the underlying moisture and ventilation issues have not been resolved. Trained professionals can help you identify potentially dangerous mold and ensure affected areas are properly treated.
  3. False: Mold is the only problem associated with water damage.
    When water is present where it should not be, it can quickly cause a host of problems, including structural and cosmetic damage, as well as promote bacterial and viral growth. In addition, mold can begin to appear within 24-48 hours, depending on the nature of the water intrusion. Calling a reputable disaster restoration professional who is skilled in dealing with water- related damages can help you avoid long-term problems and get life back in order again as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO of Sooland is trained, equipped and ready to restore homes and businesses before, during and after any mold-related issues. For more expert tips and information about mold prevention and remediation, visit SERVPROsooland.com. For immediate assistance and clean up, call SERVPRO of Sooland  at 712-274-2416.

Reducing Storm Damage

3/16/2018 (Permalink)

Call us today for more information, 712-274-2416!

Reduce flood damage to your home.

More great information from https://disastersafety.org/

While flooding can occur at any time of year, the spring is a particularly troublesome time of year as snow and ice melts and seasonal rains begin. IBHS suggests the following improvement projects to help protect property against potential flood damage. 

Flooding and flash flooding are a leading cause of weather-related fatalities in the United States, according to the National Weather Service. Floods are also the most common weather-related cause of property damage in the nation. During Hurricane Sandy, many property owners were caught off guard by the risk that flooding posed as the storm came ashore. This misunderstanding of their flood risk led to many deaths and injuries. Homes were washed away, and businesses were heavily damaged by flood waters. Ultimately, Sandy resulted in $6.7 billion in National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) payouts as of July 2013, second only to Hurricane Katrina’s $16.3 billion in payouts in August 2005, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Understand Your Flood Risk

Updated Flood Maps

A flood map (sometimes referred to as a floodplain map or FEMA flood map) can be used to identify floodplain location and flood zones. IBHS encourages residents to learn about the flooding risk of their properties and take steps to reduce that risk. The best place to start is by finding out what flood zone, from high to low risk, your property is in. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) works with each municipality to create and update flood maps that show the flood zone for each part of the community. You can look up your property on the local flood map by visiting FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center or contacting your city or county government. Your insurance agent or mortgage lender may also be able to assist.

Floods maps are redrawn by FEMA to reflect new information and recommendations. In fact, many communities are currently receiving new, more detailed flood maps as part of an ongoing flood map modernization effort by FEMA. Consult your city or county building department to determine if your local maps have been or will soon be updated. If an update has recently been completed or is ongoing, it is recommended that you review the maps to see if the redrawing has affected the flood zone for your property.

Additional information on looking up your property on flood maps and the meaning of the flood zone designations is available at FloodSmart.gov. It is important to note that there are many times when a building can experience flood damage—even if it is not located within a high-risk flood area on the flood map. Therefore, it is best to get an understanding of the flood zone of your entire surrounding area to fully understand your risk.

Know Your Base Flood Elevation

Once you know what flood zone your property is in, it is important to find out what the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is for your property. The BFE is the elevation at which your building has a one percent chance of flooding annually. You can find the BFE for your property listed on many flood maps, especially newer ones, or by contacting your local building department, or hiring a licensed surveyor. After identifying the BFE for your property, you need to determine whether the elevation of your building’s lowest floor is above or below the published BFE for your property. If your building is below the BFE for the area, you should consider elevating your structure to reduce the chances it will flood. IBHS recommends that buildings be at least 3 feet above the BFE to account for higher-than-expected flooding levels.

Flood Insurance

Once you know what your risk is, you also should consider purchasing flood insurance, especially if you find you are in, or near, a high-risk flood zone (Special Flood Hazard Area). Flood insurance is provided through the federal National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and can be purchased through private insurance agents and companies. If you have a federally backed mortgage, be aware that your lender may require you to purchase flood insurance if you are in or near a high-risk flood zone.

  • Raise Electrical System Components—Hire a licensed electrician to raise electric components (switches, sockets, circuit breakers and wiring) at least 12 inches above the base flood elevation (BFE) for your area. You can find out your property’s BFE by contacting your local building department. Raising electrical system components above the anticipated flood level will help prevent damage to the electrical system and avoid the potential for fire from short circuits in flooded systems.
  • Raise or Floodproof HVAC Equipment—Floodwaters can extensively damage heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) equipment. The extent of the damage depends upon the depth of flooding and how long the equipment is underwater. A good way to protect the HVAC equipment is to have a contractor move it to an upper floor or build a flood-proof wall around the equipment.
  • Direct Water Away From Building—Make sure your yard’s grading (slope) directs water away from the building.
  • Anchor Fuel Tanks—Unanchored fuel tanks outside your home can damage your building or be swept downstream, damaging other properties. The supply line to an unanchored tank in your basement also can tear free and fuel can contaminate your basement.
  • Install Sewer Backflow Valves—Flooding in some areas can cause sewage from sanitary sewer lines to back up through drain pipes. Backflow valves are designed to block drain pipes temporarily and prevent return flow into the house.
  • Sump Pumps—Make sure your sump pump is working properly and battery is fully charged.
  • Protect Wells From Contamination by Flooding—Floodwater that enters a well can contaminate it and make the water unsafe to drink. A licensed well-drilling contractor can inspect your well and suggest improvements.

Do you Suspect Mold?

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

Be careful! Without proper training, you could be spreading mold throughout your home.

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of [[Franchise Name]] for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (712) 274-2416

SERVPRO of Sooland knows what to do if mold grows in your home

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

If you suspect mold, call us today at (712) 274-2416

It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have actually been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, there are certain species of mold that can cause health effects for some people.

If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

  • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
  • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
  • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Sooland to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.

We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

(712) 274-2416

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Sooland and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

Basement Flooding?

3/15/2018 (Permalink)

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help (712) 274-2416

Call Today - (712) 274-2416

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Sooland and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipmen

Four Tips to Keep Mold Out of Your Sooland Business

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Mold Remediation

The very idea of mold can make any home or business owner cringe. Yes, mold can be beneficial, used in making brie or penicillin, but it can also be a really big problem when it is growing undetected somewhere on your property or belongings.

It can grow just about anywhere: on clothing, food, paper, carpet and the backside of drywall, just to name a few spots. It can produce allergens and irritants and, in some cases, toxins that are dangerous to your health.

Here are four steps you can take to protect your business and employees from a mold issue:

  • Do an audit of your property. Are there any areas that are full of moisture much of the time? Seepage into storage areas or accumulation from leaky pipes should be dried within 48 hours to avoid mold damage. Encourage workers to keep wet items picked up, hanging wet coats up and keeping rain boots and wet shoes in an area that won’t soak up moisture. Take steps to keep floors and windows dry at all times, but especially during wet weather.
  • Proper ventilation is a good way to keep mold at bay. Keeping bathroom and kitchen doors open can help, increasing air circulation and aiding in the drying process. Using dehumidifiers keeps areas dry and pleasant, and always keep an eye on them to make sure they are in good repair and not contributing any moisture themselves; the manufacturer’s information provided will give directions on cleaning and care of your unit.
  • Many products today contain mold-resistant materials, such as sheetrock or paint. Shop around for helpful products when doing any renovation or repair to your Belle Meade business, especially in areas that will experience moisture, such as kitchens, break rooms, and bathrooms.
  • Monitoring the humidity indoors in your Belle Meade business can go a long way to mold prevention. The EPA recommends keeping indoor humidity between 30 and 60 percent; you can measure this with a moisture meter easily found at your local hardware store.

Contact the SERVPRO of Sooland team for all your water or fire damage needs, or if you need assistance with mold prevention or remediation! Visit our website: www.SERVPROsooland.com 

Or give us a call at (712) 274-2416. We’re here for you!

Keeping Your Home Storm Damage Safe

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Broken tree branch due to storm damage.

Storms can come upon us without much warning. Yes, we watch the news, but bad weather is still unpredictable, so we need to take steps to keep our homes safe from storm damage.

An inspection of your home’s premises is a really good idea to conduct before inclement weather hits. A leaky roof or windows can cause big problems during extreme conditions such as a snow storm or heavy rains. Do all your exterior doors and windows fit correctly? Is all your weather-stripping in good condition? When’s the last time you took a look at your roof to see how things are looking up there? These are all great questions to ask yourself.

Loose shutters and rain gutters can present a real problem in high winds, as can unstable large trees. It might be a good idea to trim back trees and bushes with large heavy branches that are not in good condition, so that windows and vehicles are not in danger of storm damage in windy conditions.

Many homes in older cities have drainage ditches at the front of the property. Take time to inspect this area and remove debris or dirt that might obstruct the flow of water from a heavy rain. A clogged drainage ditch can cause a lot of damage by flooding your property during, or even after, a storm.

Your family is very precious to you. In the event of a storm, do you have a system in place that will help you to get information to everyone in case of a weather emergency? Most of us use our cell phones to communicate these days, but in the case of a bad storm, your cell phone service could be at risk. You might consider installing a good old-fashioned landline, just in case. If you or a family member gets stuck at work or out doing errands, families will worry, so it’s vital that lines of communication stay open.

The SERVPRO team of Sooland has your back in the event of storm damage, fire damage, or mold issues. You can give us a call today at (712) 274-2416, or visit us on our website:


What You Should Know About Mold Remediation and Removal

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Technician setting up a containment area for mold remediation.

What You Should Know About Mold Remediation and Removal

Mold is found under the fungi classification. It is a soft green or at times grey growth which develops on objects or old food left for a lengthy period in warm, wet air. It can be found in outdoor and indoor places, thus, it is important for the indoor humidity to be kept below forty-five percent because a higher humidity supports the growth of this class of fungus. Floods and high humidity levels often lead to microbial growth and fungus. Microbial growth can be present in an area, but that does not classify it as mold. The most efficient method of controlling microbial growth is by the moderation of temperature. When the temperature is lowered, the rate of microbial growth decreases rapidly. 
Mold and mildew are two fungi that people often tend to confuse. Mildew appears to be powdery and white in color then later turns to brown, black or yellow. The other fungus seems fuzzy but can appear in similar colors as the mildew. Mildew damages crops while molds damage the structural foundations of homes. Both fungi are usually accompanied by a musty odor which can lead to more health issues. It likes to thrive in moisturized areas and grows quickly into colonies with water exposure. These colonies are responsible for the production of irritants and allergens that affect the health of people. 

For mitigation of mold to take place, all sources of moisture and water need to be addressed otherwise it may regrow. The first step is to remove all traces of moldy growth immediately. Five fundamental principles must be applied by homeowners and employers to ensure successful mitigation of this fungus. They should focus on the source and moisture removal, safety, contamination control and assessment. Proper mitigation is essential once the fungi is removed because areas must be monitored to prevent it from occurring again.

It is important to determine the party that will be in charge of the mold cleanup. An environmental hygienist can determine what treatment can be used for this fungus. These hygienists mitigate the problem by sealing off the affected areas with plastic sheets to stop dispersion of the spores. Fungus should be dealt with by the wearing a face mask with high filtration and neoprene gloves. Once the mold cleanup is finished, the air around it needs to be cleaned using air exchange and scrubbers. 

It is essential for the environmental hygienist to have a protective suit because harsh chemicals are used for the mold cleanup. Hard surfaces with moldy growth have to be scrubbed with water and detergent and left to dry completely. Porous materials like carpets and ceiling tiles need to be disposed of by the environmental hygienists if they get moldy. The crevices of these porous materials are prone to mold growth, and painting can only happen once the environmental hygienists complete the mold cleanup otherwise the paint peels off. The correct mitigation strategies need to be employed for effective cleanup. Visit http://www.SERVPROSOOLAND.com for more information on mold remediation.

The Different Causes of Commercial Water Damage

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Layflat used for large water loss.

Work Place Water Damage is Restored by SERVPRO

When business owners visualize water damage, they often picture a massive storm wiping out power lines, flooding offices, and shutting down businesses for days at a time. It is true that commercial water damage is often the result of floods and water that stems from weather events and storms. 
However, many entrepreneurs and business space renters forget that storms and severe weather aren't the only causes of floods and water damage. Here are some of the typical causes of water damage to commercial buildings. 
1. Malfunctioning sprinkler systems 
Some older office and retail buildings still have outdated sprinkler systems that work in conjunction with fire protection systems. While such sprinklers can come in handy during a fire emergency, they can also cause commercial flood damage if they are faulty or in need of replacement. This could easily damage inventory and business assets.

2. Damaged appliances and equipment 
This cause of commercial flood damage is more common in restaurants and catering facilities, as well as any business that has appliances and equipment that make use of water. If the appliance fails and sends water across your building, especially during late hours when no one is around, you may come back to work and face a water emergency. 
3. Broken pipes and plumbing 
Just like in a residence, if the plumbing system in your workplace fails water damage could be the result. 
4. Backed up sewer lines 
This is another cause of commercial water damage that often catches business owners by surprise. Should the sewer line to your building back up or become damaged, realize the potential dangers of contaminated Black Water which can cause health effects and ruin products and office furnishings. 
If your business has suffered commercial water damage, SERVPRO of Sooland will get you back up and running again. Call us anytime 24/7 at (712) 274-2416 for help fast.

A Fast Response To Fire Damage In Sooland

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

House fire here in Sooland.

Fast SERVPRO Action Mitigates the Damages from Fire & Smoke

Homeowners rarely prepare for the damage a fire does. Emergency responders often extinguish the flames quickly, but soot and smoke move even more rapidly. The moment authorities permit you to reenter your dwelling the clock starts on successful restoration. SERVPRO understands the need for speed and assigns skilled technicians to your job within hours of your first call.

A lit candle caught a dining room curtain ablaze, causing fire damage to your house. Brought under control by local firefighters, it seems only the window, its coverings, and the walls and ceiling nearby were charred. Despite your relief and the appearance of minor harm, we know the entire house risks continuous deterioration. Fortunately, we also have the skilled technicians and proper equipment to stop the destruction and return your home to preloss condition. 
Smoke and soot damage attack every space in your home, including areas far from the actual fire. The residue from the fire floats on the air, coating surfaces. This debris must be removed before it begins etching, distorting, discoloring, and disintegrating wood, fabric, gypsum board, plastic, metal, and glass, among other materials. If your HVAC system operated during the fire, it recontaminates the air, structure, and contents from every vent until cleaned and sealed. SERVPRO uses Institute for Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC)approved methods and equipment to clean, treat, and recover all structures, mechanical systems, and contents within your property. 
The restoration must begin as soon as possible because the acidic soot and smoke immediately attack every surface. SERVPRO specialists in fire damage recovery arrive ready to perform all necessary tasks because we train precisely for the opportunity to give your home back to you “Like it never even happened.” Obviously we discard destroyed items like the curtains, but otherwise, our focus is restoration, not tear out and replacement. This approach controls costs and avoids major disruption to your household. 
Our crew assesses the damage in each room and plans proper procedures, using dry or wet cleaning strategies matched to the character of the residue found and the materials affected. Systematically SERVPRO works through your home room by room to assure all harm is reversed and the corrosive soot and smoke permanently eliminated. Deodorization experts among our workers take on odor eradication as a final task, progressing from cleaning to sealing, to airborne spray or thermal fogging as necessary, all intended to neutralize the tiny, smell-carrying particles that linger in your home. 
SERVPRO of Sooland is ready to restore your fire damaged home immediately after contact. Call our staff at 712-274-2416 to schedule an inspection and get you back in your home as soon as possible.

Large Loss Electric Desiccant

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

Using the desiccant in a Siouxland business

The Large Loss Electric Desiccant is a new way of drying and reducing humidity for the perfect climate control in water disasters. It meets the demands of larger residential and commercial water restoration jobs with a large-capacity mobile dehumidifier. SERVPRO of Sooland professionals can work more efficiently and with faster time-response. These skid- and trailer-mounted units are perfectly manufactured for the most proper and substantial vapor pressure reduction and active temperature control management. The desiccant has already made a large impact on our drying process in large loss situations.

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

SERVPRO of Sooland

3220 Line Drive

Sioux City, Iowa 51106

Call us at (712) 274-2416

What is a dehumidifier?

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO uses many different types of dehumidifiers

What is a Dehumidifier?
The most basic explanation is that a desiccant dehumidifier has a moisture absorbing wheel inside the unit. The wheel is made of silica gel – which is the desiccant (drying) element. Air enters the unit through an opening and travels through the silica gel impregnated wheel. When the air reaches the other side of the wheel, it is dry and then pushed out of the unit by a high static blower. 

Bottom line: a dehumidifier is perhaps the most effective method available of controlling humidity and/or removing moisture from structural materials, hardwood flooring. 

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Call your SERVPRO of Sooland professionals today at (712) 274-2416

Water Damage Timeline

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of Sooland at (712) 274-2416

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – (712) 274-2416

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

Different Types of Smoke

1/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland 3220 Line Drive Sioux City, Iowa 51106

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Sooland will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

For any questions or concerns, SERVPRO of Sooland will gladly help. Call us today at (712) 274-2416

Faster to Any Size Disaster

12/28/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland located at 3220 Line Drive in SIoux City, Iowa

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Sooland provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Sooland arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – (712) 274-2416

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

Restoring Commercial Property After Water Damage Event

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

We have the equipment, team, and resources to handle losses of all sizes.

Flooding and water damage events in the Siouxland commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Sooland

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Join Our Team!

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

Located at: 3220 Line Drive Sioux City, Iowa 51106

Hiring Production Technicians Now

Do you love the challenge of leading a team and helping customers through a difficult situation? Do not miss your chance to join our nationally recognized company. As a Production Technician for SERVPRO of Sooland, you will be making a difference in the lives of our customers each and every day. We have a sincere desire of helping make fire and water damage “Like it never even happened!” We are seeking a team member who has a great attitude, is able to work efficiently in high demand situations, and is dependable and energetic. Our idea of the ultimate candidate is one who is proactive and enjoys providing superior service. As a valued member of our team, you will be part of a stable, growing company, offering exceptional customer service and products throughout the United States. You will receive a competitive pay rate, with opportunity to learn and grow.

Hours: 40 hours/week, flexible to work overtime when required.


Respond to and manage water/fire losses.
Ensure job processes and procedures are followed.
Monitor projects to completion.
Maintain equipment and vehicle inventory.


Must have a professional appearance and great attitude.
Must have a valid driver license with a reasonable driving record.
Ability to pass a criminal background check with no felony convictions or misdemeanors involving violence or theft. Must be able to pass a drug test.
Because we provide 24-hour emergency services, must be willing to be on call, as needed.
Some night and weekend work is required.
Must be able to lift a minimum of 50 pounds.


Experience in the Fire and Water restoration industry.
IICRC WRT certification.

Please email your resume to Brooke@SERVPROsooland.com

24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Sooland provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service

SERVPRO of Sooland is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - (712) 274-2416

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Sooland has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Sooland

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Smoke and Soot

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Us Today – (712) 274-2416

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

When Storms or Floods hit, SERVPRO of Sooland is Ready!

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

"Ready for whatever happens."

SERVPRO of Sooland specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today - (712) 274-2416

Cleaning an Artificial Christmas Tree

12/19/2017 (Permalink)

It's time to get your tree ready for the Christmas season!

As the holiday season rolls around, it's likely that you'll be pulling your artificial Christmas tree out of storage. About 70 percent of Americans will celebrate Christmas this year, and of those who celebrate the holiday, only about 20 percent of trees are real! Many people recognize the benefits that come with artificial Christmas trees; namely, reliability, easiness, and attractive looks.

After eleven months in storage, however, many artificial Christmas trees both look and smell a little dusty. No matter how well you try to keep the dust out, it always finds a way in. Here are some tips for cleaning an artificial tree to keep it looking as good as the day you bought it.


One of the foremost necessities in cleaning an artificial Christmas tree is to remove any dust clinging to its branches and needles. Using a static cling cloth, gently wipe it along the branches. The static will pick up loose dust and stop your tree looking drab.

Shake with Salt

If your tree needs something a bit more intensive, salt can actually help! This is a method that is effective for small trees or larger trees that come apart into smaller pieces. Add small trees or tree pieces to a large bag with a handful or two of Kosher salt, then vigorously shake. The salt will act as an abrasive cleaner, scrubbing away any grime that's clinging on tightly.

A Seasonal Sponge Bath

For heavy cleaning, a light dusting won't be enough. At the start of every season, carefully wipe each branch down with a gentle, wet sponge. This will pick up the dust and dirt that settled between the needles while the tree was in storage. Sponging a tree, especially a larger one, can be time-consuming, so plan to tackle this at short intervals or enlist the help of others.


After your tree is clean, you'll still need to deodorize it periodically. You can hide a scented air freshener intended for a car in the branches of your tree to give it a seasonal scent, or periodically spritz the branches with an air freshener to keep them smelling fresh.

Professional Services

Sometimes, home cleaning just doesn't cut it. For more extensive cleaning services around your home, SERVPRO of Sooland is locally owned and operated in Sioux CIty, Iowa, and has expert solutions to keep every part of your house clean.

Holiday Light Safety

12/19/2017 (Permalink)

Check all lights to ensure that there are no worn or broken cords or loose bulbs.

Holiday Light Safety

Christmas is upon us and holiday decorations are in full swing. For many home owners, decorating for Christmas is a tradition and something that is enjoyed by many. Whether you only decorate the interior of the home or you decorate both the interior and exterior, decorations and lights certainly add to the splendor of the Christmas season. According to the National Fire Protection Association fire departments responded to an average of 200 homes for structure fires related to Christmas trees between 2011-2015. Avoid Christmas tree and light related fires by following these simple safety tips.


When purchasing live Christmas trees, check for freshness and try to avoid dry trees. When you are cutting the tree, cut 1-2 inches from the base of the trunk to ensure optimal water absorption. Live trees require plenty of water. Make sure that you are checking the tree daily and watering when needed. If you prefer an artificial tree, ensure that the tag reads “Fire Resistant”. When placing the trees in your home, ensure that they are placed at least 3 feet away from all heat sources.


Check all lights to ensure that there are no worn or broken cords or loose bulbs. If you find any damage, dispose of the damaged lights and replace. When purchasing lights be sure to check the label that shows whether or not they are for indoor or outdoor use and purchase accordingly. In addition, read the instructions included with the lights. Most recommend that you plug no more than three strands together so that you are not overloading the socket. Last but not least, turn ALL Christmas lights off when going to bed or leaving the home.

If you find yourself with a damage this holiday season, call our office at 712-274-2416. Our team will evaluate your damage and give you a clear explanation of the restoration process.

Potential Mold Problem?

12/19/2017 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call SERVPRO of SOOLAND Today @ 712-274-2416


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